LMTV #78: Beyond the Comfort Zone

You’ll Never Live a Truly Fulfilled Life Staying in your Comfort Zone!

The Comfort Zone is a wonderful place! It keeps you safe and provides you with warmth and unconditional love. It’s a great place to go when you want to recharge your batteries and prepare yourself for whatever adventure you might be going on next. But the problem is, if you don’t watch out, the Comfort Zone can become too comfortable—almost addictively so!

You see, with all that warmth and comfort, it’s easy to get distracted by all kinds of things. It might be the next episode of your favorite TV show. It might be just one more drink of your favorite beverage. Or maybe you prefer to play another video game. Regardless of your particular kind of distraction, it’s really just your ego-mind “helping” you to avoid something that might seem risky or even dangerous.

After a while, if you spend enough time in this Comfort Zone, you begin to notice that life is just passing you by, that you are not really very happy with your life, that something seems to be missing. And the longer you spend in this so-called “safe place”, the harder it becomes to get out of it.

It’s almost as if you’ve put on a mask to hide yourself from the world, donned your armor to protect yourself from the judgments of others, and then wrapped yourself up in a nice cozy blanket to keep yourself warm and safe.

But have you ever noticed: nothing ever seems to grow in the Comfort Zone! No real growth ever happened that didn’t involve some risk.

It’s true!

In order to grow, you have to stretch yourself. And stretching yourself means trying something new. And trying something new always introduces the possibility of that oh-so-ugly word that you probably dread:


But that is exactly what you risk every time you try something new. And it can even be a possibility when you’re trying something you’ve done before that you believe you’re “not very good at”. In other words, you know what it feels like when something is just outside your Comfort Zone.

But just think for a moment about any so-called failure in your life:

  • What did you learn from it?
  • How did your life change?
  • How did you approach things after that failure?

Now, let’s flip the question around a little bit. There are probably plenty of risks you’ve taken in your life where you actually succeeded! Sure, the risk of failure may have been present, but somehow you made it through. Consider those questions again:

  • What did you learn from your experience?
  • How did your life change after taking that risk?
  • How did you approach things after that event?

In this episode, the Soul Talk Guys talk about the Comfort Zone in some detail. And they’re joined by special guest, Azmina Jiwa, a Holistic Happiness Coach and teacher of the powerful Feel the Fear and do it Anyway workshops.

If you want to find a way out of your Comfort Zone so that you can begin to live a more fulfilled life, then check out the video…and please leave a comment below!

LMTV #77: Soul Talk

Creating and Maintaining Open, Authentic Connection

Soul Talk is something that all of us really cherish, especially when we can share it with other like-minded Spiritual Beings.

Here you are, on your Spiritual Journey, seeking truth, justice, and a Better Way. And it can seem lonely sometimes, especially if you don’t have family or friends nearby with whom you can share your A-Has and your Awakenings.

If you don’t have a strong support structure in your life, your ego-mind may just retake those reigns, re-gag you, convince you all over again that this Spiritual Stuff is just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo, and then slam you back into the cell you’ve gone to such lengths to get free from!

Well, no-one wants that!

While you have to deal with your own inner work inside of yourself—meaning no-one else can do this work for you—there are a growing number of people on the planet who are ready, willing, and able to help. And this is where Soul Talk comes in.

The fact that David & Tommy do these weekly shows called Life Mastery TV means much more than delivering great messages and helpful hints. The underlying power and unspoken message is that other people are actually talking openly and out loud about things so deep and personal. And just the fact that there is an internationally broadcast webinar talking about matters of the Spirit is enough to keep some people from falling back into the dungeon.

As we all discover—in our own way and at our own pace—getting better requires looking inward, or as the Soul Talk Guys explained way back in Episode 8, In Is the Only Way Out. But what may not be so obvious is that looking inward naturally leads to Spiritual Awakening. And in addition to that, Spiritual Awakening naturally brings about connections with others who are going through the same process.

In this episode, the Soul Talk Guys are joined by Suzie Daggett, an intuitive business and life coach who lives her life according to Soul Talk principles. Join the crew as they share some deep insights about Soul Talk:

  • What it is and why it is so important as part of your Spiritual Journey.
  • How to reach out and find the “right” people to connect to.
  • How to establish authentic connections with other Consciously Awake and Aware humans.

Think of it as Open-Heart Synergy with fellow Open-Hearters… Because, after all, at Life Mastery TV, that’s exactly what we do, isn’t it?

Watch the video now, and please leave a comment in the space below!

LMTV #76: Change of Command

Who’s In Charge, Anyway?

You may remember during Episode 49, Tommy & David talked about the inmates running the asylum, a situation that can occur when the ego-mind gets out of control and begins to believe it’s in charge. Well, this week, the Soul Talk Guys revisit those cute but oh-so-dangerous gremlins and help you find a path toward resuming command of your own life situation!

Why do you suppose we call them gremlins anyway? Well, it’s because each one of them is a different aspect of the ego-mind, and each one has its own unique personality. In some ways, these gremlins seem to be cute and cuddly and somewhat endearing, but when they don’t get their way, look out! That’s when real trouble happens!

Make no mistake: the ego-mind in all its variations certainly has a place in the overall picture for your life, but it’s pretty clear that the ego-mind was never intended to be a Commander-in-Chief. It’s just far too immature and short-sighted for that job. While the ego-mind is ideal for handling specific details of life and helping us to navigate our way through the physical world, it doesn’t really have the capability for big-picture thinking. We all need a much more powerful part of ourselves to manage that job.

And what part do you think we’re referring to here? Why, your Soul of course—that part of you that is connected to whatever you might imagine as your Higher Power, which has the big-picture of what your life is supposed to look like.

When you quiet the chatter of your ego-mind and connect in with that bigger part of yourself, you become aware of who you really are. And this leads you to realize that you are much, much bigger than you ever gave yourself credit for. In fact, your Soul knows just how boundless and amazing you really are, and will—if you listen very carefully—provide all the information you need to regain control of your life and begin following the path you always intended to follow.

Think if it as a crossroads:

  • Do you want to be controlled by the gremlin aspects of your ego-mind, or
  • Do you want to align with the real truth of who you are and live a life of complete fulfillment and satisfaction?

Let the Soul Talk Guys provide some guidance here! You already know the amazing wisdom and unconditional love they bring, so watch the video now and give yourself permission to get your fair share!

LMTV #75: Instant Karma

What Goes Around Comes Around…

No doubt you’ve heard the term Karma, which can be described succinctly by the old adage

What goes around comes around.

Many wise spiritual teachers tell us that Karma is a kind of Quantum Energy Bank Account. In this model, everything you think, say, do and feel leaves an imprint on the energetic fabric of the universe, or what some people refer to as the Akashic Record. According to the teaching, everyone has an account in this Universal Energy Bank, and of course every Karmic account has a balance. Mathematically, an account balance can either be negative (in the red), zero, or positive (in the black).

And guess what? It is our thoughts, words, actions and emotions that cause changes to that balance:

  • Some of the less kind things we do create a negative impression on the fabric of life, and hence act as a withdrawal from our Account.
  • Some neutral everyday things we do, like getting dressed, don’t have much of an impact—unless we’re thinking angry thoughts about our boss while doing it.
  • And some things we do, like helping old ladies cross the street (assuming they want to go), add positive to our balance.

In a nutshell, that’s what Karma is all about: it’s your personal, universal, energetic bank account, which—according to the sages—you get to take a look at after you leave the physical plane.

Assuming you’re spiritually awake and have some degree of awareness of naughty and nice, you’re hopefully learning your life’s lessons as quickly as possible, correcting wrongs, and generally being more kind than mean. If so, then the idea is that at some point in your life you hit a tipping point where your balance becomes positive and you’re able to keep it there. When this happens, Instant Karma goes into effect.

This is when synchronicity shows up and things seem to happen almost immediately. You think a nasty thought about someone and within a few steps your toe finds the foot of the chair. Or you start to slip back into angry driving habits, and the cop pulls you over. It’s almost as if Life is telling you,

Hey! You know the rules of the game. Play nice, or else!

This week David & Tommy go spelunking in the cave of quantum mystery…

Check out the video and find out where the Soul Talk Guys take this one!

LMTV #74: Let’s Be Clear

As Night follows Day, Clarity of Purpose follows Clarity of Mind.

Clarity of thought. Clear-headedness. Insightfulness. Wouldn’t it be nice to have all of these all the time? Or even half the time, for that matter?

It’s especially in times of stress, when we feel like we’re under the gun, that clarity and presence are the most important. And yet, frustratingly, those are precisely the times when they are most difficult to connect to. And in those very times, we often end up behaving in more reactive ways than we would like—and the outcomes are not usually particularly satisfying!

We find ourselves thinking about what we should have done or said, how we should have behaved or shown up. Or maybe we wished we had thought of something in the heat of the moment that came to us so naturally after the circumstances had changed. And so we end wondering:

  • Why don’t I think of that perfect line when I actually need it?
  • Why is it so easy for my head to get muddled and confused at the first sign of emotion?
  • How can I stay calm and composed when crap like this happens in my life?

As Tommy & David have said many times during different episodes, the answer is not a lack of something, but rather a covering over of what’s already there. It’s like a layer of dirt and rocks covering the gems of truth and wisdom that lie within you.

In reality, the clarity is always there; the insights are always present; the answers are always available. To connect to them requires only one thing, and that is still the mind and rise above the thoughts to that energetic place of


As the Soul Talk Guys have been hammering home for the past several episodes, that which you seek is already within you. All you need to do is continue to clear away the chaos that is piled up around it. Sounds simple doesn’t it? And it is simple, it’s just not easy or trivial!

Come on into David & Tommy's sacred space once again, and give yourself another opportunity to connect to the truth of who you are, and to re-establish the total clarity that is already your birthright!

Enjoy this week’s episode of Life Mastery TV and please remember to leave a comment in the space below.

LMTV #73: Humble Confidence

Self Confidence and Self Esteem are tricky things!

Over-confident, we risk:

  • getting bloated and egoic;
  • overestimating our abilities;
  • putting ourselves in real danger.

Under-confident, we risk:

  • doubting our own value;
  • developing a sense of low self-worth;
  • failing to live up to our potential.

One of the challenges with confidence is that you may not know that you haven’t gone far enough or that you’ve gone too far until you experience the outcome. It is difficult to know in advance what might happen when you carry a particular mindset about confidence.

But you can be sure of one thing: somewhere between the two extremes mentioned above there is a balance, a place where you have a strength of character blended gracefully with humility. It’s a powerful combination when attained. And there is a very high probability that you have already experienced this combination at some point in your life—even if it seems to elude you today.

To remember such an experience, all you really have to do is think back to a time—a peak experience, if you like—when you felt like you were in the flow, when everything seemed to be moving in a harmonious direction for you. Perhaps you remember skiing down a particularly difficult mountain; perhaps you were dancing the most exquisite tango of your life; perhaps you were standing at the top of a hill overlooking a cove and watching dolphins or whales do their thing. It doesn’t really matter about the details of the experience. What matters is how you felt.

We’ve all had experiences like this in our lives, experiences where we felt perfectly aligned with who we are and our place in the world. Experiences in which we knew without doubt that we had all the power and courage and capability we’d ever need to do whatever we chose to do. And we knew this without any sense of ego or superiority. We knew this with total clarity…AND humility!

So, the real question is:

What is it that blocks us from that harmonious, confident state of presence?

Lots of things. And they all have one thing in common. They’re all in your head! In your head like zombies! Droning on about:

  • not good enough;
  • can’t make mistakes;
  • I can’t do that;
  • I failed before;
  • and on and on and on…

As always, there is good news here, and the Soul Talk Guys are making this the topic of Episode 73. You see, you have the ability to change your mind—in more ways than you know! Neuroplasticity is the ability for you to recondition, retrain, and re-balance what goes on in your own head. So, in a very real sense, finding the appropriate balance of confidence and humility is no further than a choice away.

Join David & Tommy for another stimulating conversation and teaching that will help you to master yet another important area of your life.

LMTV #72: Human, Being…

We’re trained to do, do, do. Go, go, go. Think. Think. Think. Well, how about just BEING?

From day one, we’re taught and rewarded on our ability to think and do, to keep ourselves busy, to keep on being productive. This state of Human Doing can be exhausting and troublesome, not to mention stressful and therefore bad for our health.

We don’t—and can’t—give up thinking. That would be ridiculous. But at some point, we need to realize that thinking all the time isn’t in our best interest. We need to remember that our mind is a tool to be used when and as needed.

For many of us, the mind has taken over and makes us believe that no other part of us exists or matters. In some ways, it may seem like the mind staged a mutiny and took over the ship! Maybe you can relate to this!

Not exactly an ideal situation, right?

If you want to recover control of your ship, you need to be more conscious and aware of the BEING part of who you really are. It really is okay to…

Stop. Listen. Look. And Just BE.

In this episode, the Soul Talk Guys discuss this phenomenon and share some wisdom about how you can slow down—and let go of some stress in the process.

You’ll get to practice:

  • Breathing and becoming aware of how fast you are actually thinking and moving.
  • Slowing down so you can observe what’s around you and within you.
  • Raising your awareness of the present moment without any need to analyze, think, or worry.

And as you build and strengthen this practice, when you take a break from incessant thought, you’ll see that you find not only peace, solitude, and stillness, but oftentimes also plenty of inspiration, wisdom and lots of other marvelous surprises!

Let Tommy & David guide you into this wonderful practice of slowing down and taking a recess from thinking. And then you can develop your own practice, start with only FIVE minutes a day!

The results will astonish you!

LMTV #71: Spontaneous Wisdom

All the best answers come from only one place—and you already know where it is!

When you have a question that you need answered, where do you usually look? Of course you said Google, right?!

Well, external sources such as Google are very good at providing endless streams of information that is useful in certain contexts. And, indeed, these sources of information are wonderful for what they do.

But when it comes down to the important answers—that is, answers that have relevance to who you are and what you are here to do—none of those sources will ever be able to provide what you are really looking for. And there is a simple reason for this:

Those sources don’t know YOU!

It’s true. Nobody knows you as well as you do, so it stands to reason that you should be able to come up with your own answers for your own life, right? And yet, how many of us look to others for answers? Just think about it: have you ever asked someone else any of the following questions:

  • What should I do?
  • How should I show up?
  • How can I improve myself?

Now, to be fair here, we all need feedback from time to time. Each of us has a pretty narrow perspective, so it really does help to get input from others. But sometimes, we go overboard, don’t you think? Sometimes we even go so far as to expect others to make our decisions for us—after all, if we can delegate the decision making (so our reasoning goes) then we don’t have to take responsibility for the outcomes of those decisions!

Alas, life doesn’t seem to work that way, does it? So, you have a choice…

  • You can look outside yourself and hope that all the answers will be provided for you and the decisions will all be made for you; OR
  • You can learn to take responsibility for your own choices and begin to trust the true Source of your own wisdom.

Don’t know how to do it? No matter! That’s why the Soul Talk Guys are here! They have been through many of the same challenges you’ve been through and they have learned how to connect in with their own Source of Truth, and they can help you learn to do the same.

But you can’t just sit there and wait for it to happen! You have to take ACTION! So, if you are ready to connect to the greatest source that exists, watch David & Tommy in this week’s video replay and get in touch with your own

Spontaneous Wisdom!

Oh, and PLEASE leave a comment in the space below! Thanks!

LMTV #70: Believe Six Impossible Things…

Beliefs can serve us, or they can hinder us. Challenge your mind and find some peace!

All of us have beliefs. There seems to be no avoiding that fact—and it’s hard to imagine what life would be like without them! But every belief, one way or another, is actually a limiting belief? Why? Because the moment you believe something, your ego-mind goes into high gear to latch onto that belief, and it looks for evidence to support the belief and disregards evidence that might contradict the belief.

Taken another way, you might phrase it as:

When you believe X, your ego-mind resists the possibility of Not X.”

In other words, by believing something, you inadvertently set yourself up to miss out on opportunities and possibilities that might exist in the presence of the opposite way of thinking! Pretty crazy, right?!

But Logic is a “Good Thing”, isn’t it? Well, yes, up to a point. It makes sense from the physical perspective to maintain a logical, systematic, rational, “left-brain” approach to life—and much of your life can benefit from this kind of approach. But what is the cost?

If you spend all your time in your logical brain, you end up denying yourself access to your more sensitive, emotional, creative, non-linear aspects—those parts of yourself that are often associated with oneness, intuition, compassion, wisdom, connection and a lot of other “non-logical” constructs.

In other words, if you restrict yourself to the confines of your logical mind—where your hard-coded beliefs tend to reside, by the way—then you bind yourself to a limited way of thinking and deny yourself access to a far more powerful and intuitive part of yourself. In essence, you end up keeping your Sage in a Cage!

Well, what if there is another way? Would you be interested in finding out about that?

You may recall in Alice in Wonderland a little scene in which Alice and the Queen were having a morning conversation about what’s possible and what isn’t. At one point the conversation went like this:

Alice laughed. “There’s no use trying,” she said; “one can’t believe impossible things.”
“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”

What a delightful idea! The Soul Talk Guys like it so much that they decided to devote a whole episode to it! So that’s precisely what they talk about in this week’s episode of Life Mastery TV. As Tommy & David see it, Believing the Impossible is a serious and highly valuable brain-stretching exercise, a powerful way of reconditioning old thoughts.

If you want to revitalize crabby ideas, or rejuvenate and reinvent some old stodgy beliefs, then check out the video as Tommy & David Believe the Impossible.

Oh yes… Please leave a comment in the box below! (And share this with your friends!)

LMTV #68: Words–Hurt or Heal?

Words are complex combinations of sound energy with much more power than we imagine.

Who hasn’t been moved by a beautiful piece of music? Who hasn’t reacted to the unexpected cacophony of a car backfire, or a gunshot, or an explosion? Who hasn’t experienced hurt from painful words—even quietly spoken—from someone? Who hasn’t felt the warmth and pleasure of words of love from a sweetheart?

The common element among all these examples is sound energy.

For episode 68 of Life Mastery TV, David & Tommy invited two practitioners in the area of Sound Energy Healing to share their wisdom and expertise on this fascinating subject. Resa Ferreira and Sara Jane, two amazingly intuitive and compassionate women, join the show to enlighten you about the power of the intention that you put behind your words.

Written words are the symbolic form of complex sounds that we make when we speak. In the written symbolic form, words have a certain limited amount of power, but when we speak the words out loud, we give them life and we can imbue the sounds we create with all kinds of different energy. It is this sound energy—a creation that comes from our intention—that can have hurtful or healing effects on the people we speak them to.

Confucius said:

Without knowing the force of words, it is impossible to know more.

It seems likely that he was referring to the force of spoken words, and so Confucius was very familiar with this concept, and tried to raise people’s awareness of it.

If you look at your own life, can you identify times when you:

  • Used words to hurt other people;
  • Used words to heal other people;
  • Amped up the energy to make your words even more powerful and effective;
  • Softened your energy to make your words easier for another person to receive?

Most of us, it seems, have done one or more of these things—and maybe other things too—during our lives, whether we were aware of our behavior or not. Well, how would you like to take more responsibility for your words and how you deliver them? How would you like to have even more awareness about the power of the energy that you put behind your words?

Join the Soul Talk Guys, along with special guests Sara Jane and Resa Ferreira for what promises to be a lively and educational discussion about the

Sound Energy of Words


And please remember to leave a comment in the form below!