LMTV #95: The Perfection Paradox
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Do you ever seek perfection? If you do, you’re not alone! It’s a common objective of many people, but what does it actually get us? And what is the cost?
LMTV #64: Internal Hostage Situation
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Age-old advice can turn into a powerful form of expectation that can keep you from enjoying your life. Get yourself out of the trap! Be free to BE!
LMTV #57: It’s All Good
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No matter how much we might want to control things, we can’t change what is. But practicing acceptance can help us realize & experience that it’s all good.
LMTV #11: Expectation is the Mother of Frustration
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Expectation is very different from anticipation, and attachment to desired outcomes can lead to disappointment. Learn how to release attachments.