LMTV #91: Shiny Object Syndrome
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Too many distractions can easily keep you from reaching your goals. But there are ways to defuse the distractions! Learn how in this episode.
LMTV #80: The Calm After the Storm
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Do you ever put yourself through more suffering than you deserve? Maybe this is your inner storm. How quickly can you recover from it? Find out this week.
LMTV #76: Change of Command
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Has your ego-mind staged a mutiny and taken over? Is the captain stuck in the brig? Perhaps it’s time to take command of the situation and resume control.
LMTV #64: Internal Hostage Situation
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Age-old advice can turn into a powerful form of expectation that can keep you from enjoying your life. Get yourself out of the trap! Be free to BE!
LMTV #54: Trying Hard to Let Go
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We all recognize the gift of being present and in the flow of life. But sometimes our ego-mind has other plans! Let’s talk about a solution to this paradox.
LMTV #49: The Inmates Are Running the Asylum!
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When things get out of control, it can seem like the crew has mutinied or the gremlins have stormed the control tower! Find out how to regain control.
LMTV #34: Here Come Da Judge!
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Judgment is a powerful tool that helps us navigate our lives; but when used incorrectly, it can cause severe pain—for ourselves and those we love.
LMTV #31: Moment by Moment
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This continuing journey, involving lots of feedback and corrections to stay on course, provides endless opportunities to take things as they come!
LMTV #27: Getting to the Root (of all Evil!)
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Some say that the love of money is the root of all evil. We contend it is actually something else, something everyone has that can be sneaky and insidious.
LMTV #22: Don’t Take It Personally
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We look specifically at the agreement “Don’t Take it Personally” (from “The Four Agreements”) and why it is so hard for most of us to do that.