From April 2014 to June 2016, David McLeod and Tommy Stoffel (the Soul Talk Guys) delivered powerful video messages to help people become masters of their lives.

Although the webinar partnership came to an end, all of the episodes David and Tommy created together have been saved here in an archive. You can select one of the random posts below, or click on the Replays menu option above to search for specific topics.

Check Out These Amazing Episodes

Lynn Rose, a beautiful, dynamic entertainer and teacher, agreed to join us for a discussion about using the idea of "play" to bring out our very best.

Most of us get some perverse pleasure when we push someone's buttons and get a reaction—but what does it actually get us in the long run?

We asked our viewers and listeners for ideas, questions or topics that they wanted us to address--in a kind of "free-for-all". Interesting, and lots of fun!

After 112 episodes on Life Mastery TV, co-host Tommy Stoffel has decided to move on to other things. Join us to wish him the very best in his new endeavors!

This episode marks the completion of two years of continuous weekly webinars, so celebration is in order! Lots of guests, lots of fun, lots of wisdom!