LMTV #72: Human, Being…

We’re trained to do, do, do. Go, go, go. Think. Think. Think. Well, how about just BEING?

From day one, we’re taught and rewarded on our ability to think and do, to keep ourselves busy, to keep on being productive. This state of Human Doing can be exhausting and troublesome, not to mention stressful and therefore bad for our health.

We don’t—and can’t—give up thinking. That would be ridiculous. But at some point, we need to realize that thinking all the time isn’t in our best interest. We need to remember that our mind is a tool to be used when and as needed.

For many of us, the mind has taken over and makes us believe that no other part of us exists or matters. In some ways, it may seem like the mind staged a mutiny and took over the ship! Maybe you can relate to this!

Not exactly an ideal situation, right?

If you want to recover control of your ship, you need to be more conscious and aware of the BEING part of who you really are. It really is okay to…

Stop. Listen. Look. And Just BE.

In this episode, the Soul Talk Guys discuss this phenomenon and share some wisdom about how you can slow down—and let go of some stress in the process.

You’ll get to practice:

  • Breathing and becoming aware of how fast you are actually thinking and moving.
  • Slowing down so you can observe what’s around you and within you.
  • Raising your awareness of the present moment without any need to analyze, think, or worry.

And as you build and strengthen this practice, when you take a break from incessant thought, you’ll see that you find not only peace, solitude, and stillness, but oftentimes also plenty of inspiration, wisdom and lots of other marvelous surprises!

Let Tommy & David guide you into this wonderful practice of slowing down and taking a recess from thinking. And then you can develop your own practice, start with only FIVE minutes a day!

The results will astonish you!

LMTV #71: Spontaneous Wisdom

All the best answers come from only one place—and you already know where it is!

When you have a question that you need answered, where do you usually look? Of course you said Google, right?!

Well, external sources such as Google are very good at providing endless streams of information that is useful in certain contexts. And, indeed, these sources of information are wonderful for what they do.

But when it comes down to the important answers—that is, answers that have relevance to who you are and what you are here to do—none of those sources will ever be able to provide what you are really looking for. And there is a simple reason for this:

Those sources don’t know YOU!

It’s true. Nobody knows you as well as you do, so it stands to reason that you should be able to come up with your own answers for your own life, right? And yet, how many of us look to others for answers? Just think about it: have you ever asked someone else any of the following questions:

  • What should I do?
  • How should I show up?
  • How can I improve myself?

Now, to be fair here, we all need feedback from time to time. Each of us has a pretty narrow perspective, so it really does help to get input from others. But sometimes, we go overboard, don’t you think? Sometimes we even go so far as to expect others to make our decisions for us—after all, if we can delegate the decision making (so our reasoning goes) then we don’t have to take responsibility for the outcomes of those decisions!

Alas, life doesn’t seem to work that way, does it? So, you have a choice…

  • You can look outside yourself and hope that all the answers will be provided for you and the decisions will all be made for you; OR
  • You can learn to take responsibility for your own choices and begin to trust the true Source of your own wisdom.

Don’t know how to do it? No matter! That’s why the Soul Talk Guys are here! They have been through many of the same challenges you’ve been through and they have learned how to connect in with their own Source of Truth, and they can help you learn to do the same.

But you can’t just sit there and wait for it to happen! You have to take ACTION! So, if you are ready to connect to the greatest source that exists, watch Tommy & David in this week’s video replay and get in touch with your own

Spontaneous Wisdom!

Oh, and PLEASE leave a comment in the space below! Thanks!

LMTV #70: Believe Six Impossible Things…

Beliefs can serve us, or they can hinder us. Challenge your mind and find some peace!

All of us have beliefs. There seems to be no avoiding that fact—and it’s hard to imagine what life would be like without them! But every belief, one way or another, is actually a limiting belief? Why? Because the moment you believe something, your ego-mind goes into high gear to latch onto that belief, and it looks for evidence to support the belief and disregards evidence that might contradict the belief.

Taken another way, you might phrase it as:

When you believe X, your ego-mind resists the possibility of Not X.”

In other words, by believing something, you inadvertently set yourself up to miss out on opportunities and possibilities that might exist in the presence of the opposite way of thinking! Pretty crazy, right?!

But Logic is a “Good Thing”, isn’t it? Well, yes, up to a point. It makes sense from the physical perspective to maintain a logical, systematic, rational, “left-brain” approach to life—and much of your life can benefit from this kind of approach. But what is the cost?

If you spend all your time in your logical brain, you end up denying yourself access to your more sensitive, emotional, creative, non-linear aspects—those parts of yourself that are often associated with oneness, intuition, compassion, wisdom, connection and a lot of other “non-logical” constructs.

In other words, if you restrict yourself to the confines of your logical mind—where your hard-coded beliefs tend to reside, by the way—then you bind yourself to a limited way of thinking and deny yourself access to a far more powerful and intuitive part of yourself. In essence, you end up keeping your Sage in a Cage!

Well, what if there is another way? Would you be interested in finding out about that?

You may recall in Alice in Wonderland a little scene in which Alice and the Queen were having a morning conversation about what’s possible and what isn’t. At one point the conversation went like this:

Alice laughed. “There’s no use trying,” she said; “one can’t believe impossible things.”
“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”

What a delightful idea! The Soul Talk Guys like it so much that they decided to devote a whole episode to it! So that’s precisely what they talk about in this week’s episode of Life Mastery TV. As David & Tommy see it, Believing the Impossible is a serious and highly valuable brain-stretching exercise, a powerful way of reconditioning old thoughts.

If you want to revitalize crabby ideas, or rejuvenate and reinvent some old stodgy beliefs, then check out the video as Tommy & David Believe the Impossible.

Oh yes… Please leave a comment in the box below! (And share this with your friends!)

LMTV #69: The Heart-Empowered Man

Hard. Unemotional. Tough. Rational. Stoic. Rugged. Macho.

These are the kinds of attributes that were long associated with men, and which seemed to be demanded by society. To some extent, the world may have for a number of years actually needed men with these kinds of qualities. To some extent, these qualities may have actually served a beneficial purpose. But looking at the world today, it’s hard to imagine what possible purpose they serve now.

Tommy & David believe that the era of the macho man has come to an end. Welcome to the era of

The Heart-Empowered Man!

What exactly is a heart-empowered man anyway? To some of the members of the old guard, it might seem that such men are weak or feeble-minded or fearful or any of a host of other diminutives, but the Soul Talk Guys believe differently, and they’ve invited three very powerful, purposeful, self-reliant—and fully heart-empowered—men to bring their brand of compassionate authenticity to this week’s show.

Come join this episode and meet:

  • Chris Kyle—a prominent leader and teacher in the ManKind Project, as well as a dynamic coach and founder of the Ascendant Company.
  • Jewel Love—a dedicated Marriage and Family Therapist, counselor and teacher who focuses on promoting and supporting responsible fatherhood.
  • Kevin McLeod—a brilliant writer, poet and hip-hop artist who blends his wisdom and enlightened teaching with his art in some amazing ways.

If you are curious about what it means to be a real man, then you won’t want to miss this show! Tommy is away on vacation for this episode, but David is present to host these men and moderate a discussion in which you learn several keys to being a responsible, magnificent man:

  • Knowing who you really are.
  • Uncovering and living your purpose.
  • Acknowledging, understanding and empowering the archetypal energies that are always available to you.
  • Keeping a clear focus on your vision for the kind of world you want to create—for yourself AND for your loved ones.

And ladies, a special invitation to you: Invite the men in your life to watch this video with you! You won’t regret it.

LMTV #68: Words–Hurt or Heal?

Words are complex combinations of sound energy with much more power than we imagine.

Who hasn’t been moved by a beautiful piece of music? Who hasn’t reacted to the unexpected cacophony of a car backfire, or a gunshot, or an explosion? Who hasn’t experienced hurt from painful words—even quietly spoken—from someone? Who hasn’t felt the warmth and pleasure of words of love from a sweetheart?

The common element among all these examples is sound energy.

For episode 68 of Life Mastery TV, David & Tommy invited two practitioners in the area of Sound Energy Healing to share their wisdom and expertise on this fascinating subject. Resa Ferreira and Sara Jane, two amazingly intuitive and compassionate women, join the show to enlighten you about the power of the intention that you put behind your words.

Written words are the symbolic form of complex sounds that we make when we speak. In the written symbolic form, words have a certain limited amount of power, but when we speak the words out loud, we give them life and we can imbue the sounds we create with all kinds of different energy. It is this sound energy—a creation that comes from our intention—that can have hurtful or healing effects on the people we speak them to.

Confucius said:

Without knowing the force of words, it is impossible to know more.

It seems likely that he was referring to the force of spoken words, and so Confucius was very familiar with this concept, and tried to raise people’s awareness of it.

If you look at your own life, can you identify times when you:

  • Used words to hurt other people;
  • Used words to heal other people;
  • Amped up the energy to make your words even more powerful and effective;
  • Softened your energy to make your words easier for another person to receive?

Most of us, it seems, have done one or more of these things—and maybe other things too—during our lives, whether we were aware of our behavior or not. Well, how would you like to take more responsibility for your words and how you deliver them? How would you like to have even more awareness about the power of the energy that you put behind your words?

Join the Soul Talk Guys, along with special guests Sara Jane and Resa Ferreira for what promises to be a lively and educational discussion about the

Sound Energy of Words


And please remember to leave a comment in the form below!

LMTV #67: Premature Positivity

Positive Thinking. It’s a wonderful concept, and something worth adopting. But what happens if you get ahead of yourself?

A great sage once said:

Let the seekers seek. When they seek, they will find. When they find, they will be troubled. But when they get through the trouble, they will marvel and enjoy.

When you begin the process of waking yourself up to the brilliant magnificence of who you really are, the initial stages can be challenging. While you are becoming aware of deeper truths about yourself, those old stories–the old tape-loops that you’ve been carrying around all your life–don’t stop playing immediately. The volume might go down a little, but even if you manage to shut some of the loops off, you’ll still hear echoes ricocheting around inside your head. It can be a little weird, and you may even imagine that you are going crazy.

The truth is, you are actually going UN-crazy! Unfortunately, your ego-mind doesn’t know that, and it’s still doing its endless job of trying to keep you safe, so it’s working hard to get you back into that old comfort zone that it likes so much, and maybe even trying to get those old tape-loops back up to their original volume.

Now, many self-help books and personal growth training programs will tell you that all you have to do is change the way you think. And that is very true. But in this “instant-gratification-world” that we live in, many gurus will promise you immediate results. All you have to do is THINK POSITIVE.

Well, sorry, no. It just doesn’t work like that—not if you don’t deal with the negativity that is buried in your unconscious: the old thoughts, the limiting beliefs, the ancient messages that you’ve been unconsciously buying into for most of your life.

You can THINK POSITIVE all you want, and you might even notice some degree of improvement. But if you don’t deal with those unconscious beliefs, then all you are really doing is engaging in Premature Positivity—covering over what you really believe. You are effectively trying to hide your negative beliefs in the closet.

Think of it this way:

Covering over your unconscious negative beliefs with shiny new positive ones is kind of like putting on a new suit before you’ve taken off your dirty clothes and had a shower.

So, do you want to be the finder of your real truth? Then be willing to go through your own trouble phase, and start uncovering, examining and dealing with those old beliefs. Let the Soul Talk Guys help!

Join Tommy & David and curiously go exploring into the adventurous depths of yourself so that you can step fully into positivity without being sabotaged by old beliefs.

LMTV #66: My Divine Contract

Do you believe that you have a Spiritual Purpose—perhaps something you committed to before you were even born?

Some people believe that each of us has a Divine Contract that defines our spiritual purpose in the physical plane. The idea is that—as spiritual beings prior to our arrival in the physical realm—we had a clear sense of what we’d like to accomplish in our next incarnation. And, as the theory goes, we made commitments and agreements with other spiritual beings—some of whom may have accompanied us into this world, and some of whom may have stayed behind in the spiritual world.

Now, you may think this is a pretty crazy idea, or maybe you resonate with it completely, right down into the tiny spaces of your heart and soul. Well, the Soul Talk Guys find the idea utterly fascinating, so they invited back Josette Prevost, an expert in Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy and someone who has a great deal of experience investigating past lives.

Having worked and studied with the late Dolores Cannon, Josette is the perfect person to help us look at this idea of My Divine Contract—and to guide us to connecting with that contract while we’re here in the physical world. Just imagine the possibilities!

  • What if it’s true that you made some kind of plan before you arrived on this planet?
  • What if, before you came to this plane, you got together with some of your spirit buddies—quite literally, your soul mates—and planned out some very specific things for you to experience during your life here?
  • Can you imagine what impact it could have on your life if you could get a clear sense of what that plan might be?
  • Wouldn’t you like to remember it?

A lot of us go through life without any clear understanding of our purpose. Some of us try things just to see how they resonate. Some of us get lucky and find something that seems to fulfill us, but many of us end up trying one thing after another, hoping (against hope, perhaps) that eventually we’ll find something that fulfills us. And those of us who never find that often end up settling in our lives for something much less than we imagine is right for us.

Well, that’s precisely what the “calling of your soul” is all about. Your soul is constantly trying to bring you back into alignment with your Spiritual Purpose for Being—even if your ego-mind is busy telling you all kinds of other things.

So, if you want a life of ease, if you want to feel an ongoing sense of fulfillment, if you want to experience joy and abundance and wonder for the rest of your life, then you really owe it to yourself to find out and get aligned with your purpose. Check out Tommy & David's video, and see what you can learn about your own Divine Contract.

LMTV #65: The Mixed Signals of Change

Change. It’s inevitable, right? In some ways we seek it; in some ways, we dread it. One way or another, we go through it.

We humans are pretty strange creatures, when you really think about it. Here we are, right here, right now. Yet, it seems that in our heads we’re always thinking about something else. To outward appearances, it often looks like we’re never quite satisfied, that we’re looking to the future—for the Next Big Thing. No matter what is present right here, right now, there is always something “out there”. And we seem to think that, as soon as that something is here, our life will magically become fantastic and wonderful. Welcome to

The-Grass-is-Always-Greener-on-the-Other-Side-of-the-Fence Syndrome!

But here’s the strangest part! We continually ask for change—specifically for things to be better, but then, when an opportunity for change presents itself, what happens? Well, for many of us, you’ll hear things like these:

  • “Oh. I can’t possibly do that.”
  • “That sounds too scary.”
  • “No Thanks. That’s not for me.”
  • “I’m not ready… I haven’t had time to prepare for this.”

Oh, yeah! We’re masters of begging for change—only to deflect it when it happens to show up!

If you think about it for a moment, you’ll realize that your life is essentially a series of events that occur primarily because of what you think and feel. What you think and feel leads you so say things, and this in turn usually directs your actions. And guess what? Your actions lead to your results—or what you might euphemistically refer to as “what happens to you”.

  • Does any of this sound familiar to you?
  • Are you caught up in this dynamic in your life?
  • Are you tired of it?
  • Would you like to try something different?

Well if you said yes to any of these questions, you might want to consider making a different kind of change—a change in how you approach life. Check out this week’s video, and begin the process of identifying and straightening out your mixed messages. Let the Soul Talk Guys help you get some relief from your

Mixed Signals of Change

LMTV #64: Internal Hostage Situation

Do you have such high hopes and expectations for yourself that you hold yourself hostage to achieving them?

Personal Standards. Lofty Goals. High Expectations. Ever had any of these? Perhaps you have them even now!

And, do you, perhaps, carry a virtual whip around in order to make sure you “toe the line” and never deviate from your “designated path”?

Well, in many respects, this behavior is quite understandable.

When we are young, we look up to the adults in our lives, and the advice they are only too happy to give us is no doubt intended to help us succeed in the world. But the truth is, we’re set onto a road of never-ending self-improvements from a very early age. Almost all of us have messages like these fed to us like a constant diet of don’t-let-me-down gruel:

  • Get good grades.
  • Do your best.
  • Make me proud.
  • Come back a winner.
  • <Add your own favorite here!>

Do you by any chance remember this line from one of America’s popular songs from the 70s?

Oz never did give nothin’ to the Tin Man, that he didn’t, didn’t already have.

You see, you can listen to the advice of others all you want. And some of it may even be useful and helpful. But you already have all the wisdom, knowledge and ability you need in order to live your life in the best way possible. The truth is, if you let yourself just BE YOU, you’ll be good at pretty much anything you do. A parent. A partner. A friend. A business owner. A ditch digger. No matter what your passion might be.

However, there is still the problem, isn’t there? You may hear in your mind that you’ve never quite made it yet, that you’re not quite there, that you’ve got to keep trying. This is because the encouraging voices of others that you heard before can transform themselves into the demanding voice of your own inner-personal disapproval. As a result, you may carrying some unconscious disempowering beliefs like you can never have what you need, or that you can never meet the expectations that have been set for you.

We picked up and adopted expectations that were told to us over and over again, until we believed them wholeheartedly. And now, we hold our own feet to the fire in order to ensure that somehow, some way, we finally fulfill some high hope. Before we die. Please.

The Soul Talk Guys think it’s high time we stop doing this to ourselves. There is no need for any of us to seek to be perfect and make ourselves crazy in the process. David & Tommy want to encourage you and help you to lay down your burden once and for all, and start living the kind of life that really matters to you.

Check out this week’s video, and start untying another knot so as to set yourself free.

And please remember to leave a comment below!

LMTV #63: Take the Bite out of Fear

Fear is one emotion that can really hold us back if we let it. It can even paralyze us. Let’s see if we can change that!

Fight or Flee.

You’ve heard of this, right? It is the typical reaction that is often attributed to one of the most powerful—and usually disempowering—emotions: FEAR.

And there is good reason for this reaction. According to evolutionary theory, fear put us on guard to very real dangers that existed in our world, and in our state of high alert, would give us a chance to assess our current situation and respond accordingly. Fear was necessary for our very survival, and without it we would no doubt have put ourselves into harm’s way—and paid a very high price as a result.

If we look at our world today, however, we can see that the dangers that we faced hundreds or thousands of years ago have more or less disappeared. Of course, new dangers have in some cases taken their place, but, really, our world is a much safer place than it used to be. And yet, our fear instincts are still very strong—and perhaps much stronger than they ought to be. Much of this has to do with the power of our ego-minds, whose job is to keep us safe so that we can navigate our way through the physical world. But it turns out that our ego-minds are so sensitive to danger that they often assume risk where none exists! And this is why many teachers refer to fear as:

False Evidence Appearing Real

Of course, it may seem very real to your ego-mind and your body may indeed feel the full force of the emotion, so the message you may be hearing in your head might be closer to:

F@*# Everything And Run!

The Soul Talk Guys are not here to tell you to ignore your fear. Rather, they just want to help you reduce the power of fear in your life so that you stop being controlled by it. In other words, they want to help you to

Take the Bite out of Fear

As you gain more control over your fear and begin to quiet the voice of your ego-mind, you will automatically begin to notice some changes:

  • You will feel much less stress in your life.
  • You will enjoy what you are doing much more.
  • You will tend to look forward to new things with a sense of excitement and adventure.
  • You will naturally find yourself attracting and gravitating to more and more like-minded people.

What more could you ask, really? If you want any of these things in your life, then check out the video for this week’s episode of Life Mastery TV. And don’t forget to leave your comment in the space below.