LMTV #73: Humble Confidence
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Confidence and Humility are desirable attributes, but there’s a risk: too much of either can actually disempower you. The key is moderation and balance!
LMTV #72: Human, Being…
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Looking for a change of perspective, maybe even a small miracle? Try turning off the “doing” for a while and just “being”. You’ll be pleasantly surprised!
LMTV #71: Spontaneous Wisdom
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When you listen carefully to the wisdom of your Soul, you are really connecting to Source, where all answers come from. All it takes is trust and patience.
LMTV #70: Believe Six Impossible Things…
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What if your beliefs were all wrong? Could turn your world upside-down, right? And yet, when you consider something “impossible”, it seems to open the mind.
LMTV #69: The Heart-Empowered Man
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The day of the “macho man” is long over. The world craves men who live from their heart; this episode shines a light on such men.
LMTV #68: Words–Hurt or Heal?
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Words are complex combinations of sound energy with powerful—and sometimes unintended—effects. Two amazing guests help us to understand the power of words.
LMTV #67: Premature Positivity
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Positive thinking is a powerful and life-affirming practice. But what happens if you get a little ahead of yourself? Find out in this week’s episode.
LMTV #66: My Divine Contract
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What if you created a purpose for your life BEFORE you were born? Perhaps you forgot that plan—your Divine Contract—but there might be a way to remember it.
LMTV #65: The Mixed Signals of Change
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Change is inevitable, and yet it’s pretty commonplace for people to resist or deflect change. What might happen if you embrace change instead?
LMTV #64: Internal Hostage Situation
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Age-old advice can turn into a powerful form of expectation that can keep you from enjoying your life. Get yourself out of the trap! Be free to BE!