LMTV #33: An Attitude of Gratitude
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Thanksgiving. What better time to bring back Jo Ann Rotermund, and discuss one of the most important skills we can develop: Gratitude!
LMTV #32: Liberate Your Love
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We put a lot of value on the notion of “Unconditional Love”, but don’t seem very good at practicing it. Let’s work together to unchain our hearts.
LMTV #31: Moment by Moment
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This continuing journey, involving lots of feedback and corrections to stay on course, provides endless opportunities to take things as they come!
LMTV #30: Quitcho Bitchin’!
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It’s easy to complain, especially about things that seem outside of our control. But what does it get us, and what is the cost?
LMTV #29: Living Life Unmasked
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We all wear masks as a way to keep ourselves safe. Junie Moon Schreiber helps us to understand the cost, and find a way to live our lives unmasked.
LMTV #28: It’s All About ME!
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Our ego-minds don’t much like this idea, but We are all One. And the One is known by only one name: I. Therefore, in a very real sense, it is all about me!
LMTV #27: Getting to the Root (of all Evil!)
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Some say that the love of money is the root of all evil. We contend it is actually something else, something everyone has that can be sneaky and insidious.
LMTV #26: Constructive Anger
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Is anger as bad and destructive as society seems to think? Is there anything beneficial about anger? Is there a right or wrong way to deal with anger?
LMTV #25: Peace Power
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Inner Peace Power. Reduces stress! Decompresses heart & mind! Increases joy & love in your life! Tastes Great! Highly Nutritious! Get yours today!
LMTV #24: More, More, More (Not!)
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Find out how to break the cycle to buy, consume, collect & acquire MORE, MORE, MORE.