LMTV #53: Shine On (You Crazy Diamond)
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The challenges and trials of life forge us bit by bit into the brilliant jewels we are meant to be in this world. No more preparation needed. Just shine on!
LMTV #52: Anniversary Celebration
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On our 52nd episode, we bring back many of our featured guests to celebrate one year of free webinars, and to discuss what’s really important.
LMTV #51: From Thinking To Knowing
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There is incredible freedom in moving from thinking to knowing. Truth is always available to everyone–including YOU! So, KNOW who you are, and be free!
LMTV #50: Who Do You Think You Are?
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Most thoughts are illusion–stuff we just make up. This is true even where our self-image is concerned. But if you’re not who you THINK, then who are you?
LMTV #49: The Inmates Are Running the Asylum!
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When things get out of control, it can seem like the crew has mutinied or the gremlins have stormed the control tower! Find out how to regain control.
LMTV #48: The Power of Awareness
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Our guest, Laina Orlando, is a powerful teacher on the subject of awareness. Learn from her how awareness changed her life–and how it can change yours.
LMTV #47: Illuminating the Shadow
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Any part of yourself that you disown, disavow, deny, hide or repress holds power over you from the darkness. Uncover that shadow and reclaim the power!
LMTV #46: No Strings Attached
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If you allow yourself to be attached to a particular outcome, then you lose sight of what’s really important—namely, enjoying the journey of your life!
LMTV #45: Affirmation Power!
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No matter where your life is right now, you can always amplify any aspect of it through the power of affirmations.
LMTV #44: Ceasefire of the Sexes
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Heard about the “Battle of the Sexes”? Well, we believe there really is no battle at all, just an opportunity to see and appreciate each other in peace.