LMTV #103: Don’t Be Fooled By Fear

Fear is the Biggest Fooler of All! What Better Time than April Fool’s Day Shine a Bright Light on it?

Sometime around 1953, an uncredited Christian Scientist came up with a very interesting and revealing backronym for Fear:

False Evidence Appearing Real.

It’s a cute and pithy statement, to be sure, but of course, it isn’t universally true. Sometimes, fear is very real and it has a very valuable purpose—to alert us to danger and thus keep us safe. But, unfortunately, our ego-minds are very fragile parts of our physical being, and they often blow things out of proportion, triggering fear within us that is quite irrational. In other words, it is our ego-minds that trick us into holding ourselves back from doing what our hearts call us to to do. Our ego-minds are almost constantly fooling us with exaggerated—and sometimes downright outrageous—claims about dangers and risks that simply don’t exist.

This week, the Soul Talk Guys revisit the topic of fear, and they’ve invited back a wonderful and gifted teacher, Azmina JiwaAzmina Jiwa, to share some of her wisdom about this subject.

All of our everyday what if’s create thoughts and images from our childhood conditioning and past experiences, which in turn paralyze into a state of inaction. If you are being fooled by your fears and not living the life you would love to live, then you need to tune in.

In this episode, with the help of Azmina, David & Tommy explore some truths about fears, so they can not fool you any more. Check out this episode and learn how you can override those thoughts and images so as to have the life you truly desire.

And PLEASE remember to leave a comment below!

LMTV #101: The Lemon Factor

The More Lemonade You Make, the More Lemons You Get!

We’ve all heard the saying

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

And it’s a great metaphor for helping us to stay positive when things don’t conform do our desires or expectations.

But the idea is not just to turn a big lemon into lemonade once in a while, but to get good at doing it all the time. Why? Because the Universe is going to keep giving you the same challenge, over and over and over again, until you solve it. Until you get it. Until you learn the lesson you asked to be taught.

And just like that, by realizing that everything happens for a reason, and everything bad that happens is an opportunity to learn and grow, just like that you can begin to master the Life Mastery technique of

Transforming Adversity.

Transforming, meaning to change, or grow, or shift.
Adversity, meaning the challenges, hard times, complicated relationships, mean people we all face in life.

And the goal here, the trick to truly liberating yourself from the constant barrage of trouble, is to face each situation one at a time and realize there’s something to learn in every obstacle that appears. And with this change of mind, with this shift in consciousness, you can receive a Masters in Adversity Transformation.

When you do, you’ll marvel and be amazed at what happens! You’ll prove to yourself that by facing your trouble, and transforming it into a learning experience, you’ll not only grow and become stronger, but that particular problem will evaporate from your life and never haunt you again. Period!

Join the Soul Talk Guys as they teach you proven, patented practices to overcome the hard stuff in life. Once and for all.

Remember… Do it once, and it will be gone for all of the rest of your life. For Good.

LMTV #100: Public Service Announcement

Neuroscience Proves that When We Help Others, We Help Ourselves

This is not a self-serving game, nor is it one of narcissism. It is just a scientific fact.

When we selflessly help others, we release chemicals into our brains that literally make us happy. In other words, we reward ourselves generously by putting our energy into helping others, serving others. And that is why this week, the Soul Talk Guys are making this Public Service Announcement: to encourage everyone to

Be of Service!

Join Tommy & David and learn about some of the the personal and planetary benefits you can experience when you are guided by a principle of service:

  • Giving of your time, energy and perhaps money;
  • Serving without expecting anything in return;
  • Sharing without asking for or talking about recognition;
  • Volunteering your mental, physical, or emotional skills for the benefit of others;
  • Turning What’s in it for Me to What’s in it for We.

When you can do any of these things from a place of anonymous humility—that is, knowing you’re making a difference without any need for recognition or recompense—you set up a whole cycle that serves to create enormous benefit for you and for the people you are serving.

This is another powerful episode from the Soul Talk Guys… so enjoy the video! And please leave a comment below!

LMTV #97: Wisdom While You Work

You Know Things are Changing when Personal Growth Spreads into the Workplace!

For several years now, there’s been a growing trend in corporate America—a trend of awakening consciousness. It may not have reached your company yet, but if things keep going the way they are and if the Soul Talk Guys have any input, it will soon.

Several major American companies—including Google, Yahoo, Facebook, and Twitter—have been engaged for over five years in bringing Mindfulness practices to their companies and their employees. The fifth annual Wisdom 2.0 conference is coming to San Francisco on February 20th to 22nd. In this conference, leaders in Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence practices are gathering to meet, share and network with each other. Both of your Soul Talk Guys, David & Tommy, deliver Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence training at their respective work places, and this week they’ll be joined by another MEI specialist, Marjan Mohtashami.

This week, the Soul Talk Guys and Marjan are treading into new territory. They’ll be talking about the corporate mindfulness movement and how each of us is doing our part to fan the flames of organizational transformation.

Mindfulness guru Eckhart Tolle has said that the old structures created by humans at a time before the Awakening of Human Consciousness—structures like our educational system, financial system, governmental structure, as well as corporate structures—will no longer suit the new minds and hearts currently undergoing transformation. As such, he said, these structures will either fail and be replaced, or be changed from within.

At Life Mastery TV, Tommy & David—along with their guests—are doing their parts to manifest change from within.

If you want to be part of this change, you won’t want to miss this episode!

LMTV #96: Resistance is Futile

Remember the Borg? Remember Their Mantra?

For any fan of the TV Series Star Trek, the words Resistance is Futile are the familiar threat of the infamous Borg, those cybernetic beings who strove to assimilate all of life into their one mechanical mind. It was the Borgs’ way of demoralizing people and removing all hope, and the underlying message was

No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try to resist, we are going to win and you are going to become one of us.

The Soul Talk Guys are not here to talk about the Borg. Instead, Tommy & David turn this mantra inside-out and look at it from a number of different angles. Instead of seeing it as an omen of capitulation to an external power, Tommy & David examine it as a reminder to surrender to your own higher power.

See, whether you are a Trekkie, a Borg, a Human, or some other life form, chances are you believe what you’re doing is right. From your perspective, you intend ‘good’. You may even feel you have a purpose and mission in life to be good, to do good, and to help others. And that’s where the story begins, because many of us take up our cause for good in the way we’re taught to take up any cause:

To FIGHT for it.

That’s right! We are taught to:

  • FIGHT for justice;
  • FIGHT for liberty;
  • FIGHT for our dreams;
  • FIGHT for the cause(s) we believe in;
  • FIGHT for our country;
  • FIGHT for what’s “right”;
  • and on and on it goes.

Sounds tiring, doesn’t it? And indeed, that’s exactly what it is: exhausting! Why? Because all that fighting and resisting is a never-ending effort and struggle to push away things that we don’t want in our lives. And the real irony is that the more we resist and fight, the more those undesirable things seem to find a way to stick around. Our attempts to push things away only seem to give those things more energy and intention to continue with their objectives. And so, in a very real sense, our resistance is indeed futile.

It may not seem obvious, but resistance is actually a violation of your individual Primary Directive. You see, you are here ultimately to attract Light, Love and Goodness to the planet. However, if you engage in repelling forces like resistance and fighting, then you end up engaging energies like fear, sadness and anger—which may seem to achieve results in the short term, but in the long term actually sabotage your cause, purpose and mission. If you think about this for a moment, you can see that resistance actually goes against your very nature.

Tommy & David share with you ways that you can release your resistance, and even transform it into a form of attraction that supports and helps your cause. So, instead of fighting fire with fire (in which case your Resistance is Futile), join the Soul Talk Guys for another mind-bending journey that is sure to help you to

Live Long and Prosper!

LMTV #95: The Perfection Paradox

Perfection is a Grand Illusion—and Something that can Teach us a LOT!

Imagine if everything were perfect already. Think of all the energy you could save! Your ego-mind would have no choice but to stop complaining that things aren’t good enough; it would have to stop pushing and prodding you to keep doing better. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to know that you are enough already, that nothing more needs to be done?

Sadly, the way we have our lives set up right now, most of us are continually striving for this thing that we call perfection. On some level, we already know that it’s a losing proposition, because the ego-mind is never satisfied—or so it seems. But that doesn’t stop us, does it? We allow ourselves to be manipulated or talked into continually pushing ourselves to achieve this ethereal thing called perfection, believing the ego-mind lies that once we achieve it, we will finally be happy.

On one hand, we could say that this striving actually has a positive benefit: namely, that it keeps us on a continual path of improvement and growth.

But on the other hand, if we can never stop long enough to appreciate what we’ve already accomplished, how can we ever hope to be truly happy? And what is the toll that this takes on our lives?

Your Soul already sees things as perfect—just as they are here and now! Therefore, it has no need to change anything, let alone try to make it “better”! It is only the ego-mind that finds fault with almost everything, and so it seeks to constantly complain about what’s wrong, and to insist that we make it right! This form of perfection is an unattainable state of mind; it serves only as fuel for the ego-mind to continue its eternal purpose of keeping us safe. Hard to believe, maybe, but it’s true.

The seeds for seeking perfection were planted in you at a very young age. They include things like these:

  • Earning Mommy and Daddy’s approval by being well behaved;
  • Getting straight A’s at school so as to impress everyone;
  • Turning things into competitions so that you can win prizes and glory;
  • Making enough money in order to buy the perfect house, have the best car, and win the heart of the most desirable partner.

Of course, the list goes on and on…and on!

Well, this week, the Soul Talk Guys invite you to join them in stopping this insanity! David & Tommy shine a light on this disempowering habit and help you to learn to accept yourself as the truly amazing and wonderful being you are—with no need whatsoever to change anything!

Watch the video and join the magic; you’ll be glad you did!

LMTV #94: Gratitude in Action

One of the Best Ways to Manifest What You Want is to Express Gratitude for it BEFORE You Even Have it!

May sound counter-intuitive, but it’s quite true…

How would you like to:

  • Attract more of what you want in life;
  • Improve ALL of your relationships;
  • Reduce negativity and stress in your life;
  • Improve your problem-solving skills;
  • Accelerate your learning and growth.

All of these things—and many more—are possible through the power of an amazing, freely-accessible force that any of us can use at any time! We’re talking about

Gratitude in Action!

David & Tommy have spoken about Gratitude many times in the past, and they’ve had guests—notably, JoAnn Rotermund—who have shared their wisdom about the subject. But it’s such an important concept that they decided to devote another episode to the topic—this time, with a focus on developing and maintaining an active practice.

Here are a few things about Gratitude that you might already resonate with:

  • Gratitude is an attitude.
  • Gratitude is an choice.
  • Gratitude is an habit.

You might well wonder, “What is this thing called Gratitude anyway?”

Some people see Gratitude as a form of energy, an energy of expression, an energy of love. Others see it as a gateway that enables the 7th Chakra to be opened—which might explain why it has such amazing, life-changing properties.

Regardless of how you try to categorize it, most people agree that Gratitude has a great deal of power—much more than we might imagine.

Think about it! If you want to really shift your life into high-gear, there is no easier way to do it than to be grateful for who you are and what you have in your life.

But you can magnify the power of Gratitude by making it a priority in your life. When you consciously practice being grateful for the people, situations, conditions and events around you, you automatically begin the process of releasing your attachment to any resentment or anger about things that have happened to you previously. And this automatically opens space in your life to make room for more of what you truly desire in your life. No doubt you can see the cycle of healing that you can easily create for yourself!

If you want to really shift your life into high gear, start by being grateful. Then watch what happens! Meanwhile, watch this week’s video and find out how you can experience

Gratitude in Action!

LMTV #93: Kick the Habit

When you hear the phrase Kick the Habit, what’s the first thing you think of?

  • Smoking?
  • Drinking?
  • Gambling?
  • Drugs?
  • Some other form of addiction?

Sure, these are the official bad habits that we’d all like to avoid if we don’t have them, and to break if we do. But there are others, too, some of which may be even more damaging in their own way than the ones listed above.

What is a habit anyway? If you think about it for a moment, you may come to agree that a habit is really nothing more than a familiar—and usually easy—way to do something. And often, once the pattern gets ingrained in us, it drops into our subconscious, to the point where we may not even realize we’re doing it any more.

A habit usually starts out as a behavior that serves us in some way, that provides us some kind of comfort or gratification—that is, it fills some kind of need that we may believe we have within us. And the initial behavior may in fact serve a viable and helpful purpose for us when we first start doing it. But in time—usually long after the behavior has become somewhat automatic—it no longer serves the purpose for which it was intended, and it may end up actually doing damage…damage to ourselves, to our loved ones, or to our environment.

Consider a simple example. Say you are disappointed with your performance doing a particular activity. You might give yourself a little pep-talk to get yourself motivated to do better. The next time you engage that activity you actually find yourself improving. But then, you may find that you want to improve yourself even more, and so the pep-talk becomes even more intense and animated—to the point where, if you don’t live up to the increasingly high standard—you end up berating yourself, criticizing yourself, beating yourself up. And then, before you know it, you have developed a habit of negative self-talk! If you’re lucky, you’ll become aware of this and maybe find a way to heal it before it gets totally out of hand, but sadly, most of us engage in this kind of thing until it does real psychological damage to ourselves—and to others around us.

What other kinds of debilitating habits might we be talking about here? Well, how about these:

  • Engaging in negative self-talk.
  • Complaining, bitching, moaning about our situations.
  • Worrying or being anxious about virtually every condition in our lives.
  • Overthinking and overanalyzing things.
  • Judging people, events, or conditions.
  • Blaming situations or people rather than taking responsibility for our own choices.
  • Gossiping about others.
  • Comparing ourselves with others and then berating ourselves for failing to measure up.

Well, as you can see, there is a fairly lengthy list of possible habits that may be even more dangerous than the ones listed at the beginning!

What to do? What to do?

Indeed, it may seem like a monumental task to break habits like these, but David & Tommy know that it’s not as hard as you might think. And that’s what they’re going to share with you this week.

The Soul Talk Guys have both been there; they’ve had a lot of these habits themselves, and they’ve worked through the hard parts of breaking most of them. They can help you to start and continue this process for yourself too. So, if you want to reduce a lot of stresss in your life and make things much more peaceful for yourself and everyone around you, check out this week’s webinar. Join Tommy & David and learn how to

Kick the Habit!

You’ll be glad you did!

LMTV #92: Brain Bliss

Brain Bliss…Sounds Delicious, Doesn’t It? And Guess What? No Drugs Involved!

In one of their many travels, the Soul Talk Guys were fortunate enough to meet a very powerful and intuitive shamanic teacher by the name of Mahalia Michael, who introduced them to the idea of using light sound energy to optimize body, heart and brain functions. Interacting with this energy often leaves people in a state of euphoria, and so Mahalia decided to call her process

Brain Bliss!

Lucky for everyone, Mahalia agreed to join David & Tommy for this week’s episode to share some of her wisdom and teachings with you.

Imagine going through 20 years of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Now add to that a debilitating condition that resulted from hidden trauma, among the worst of which were seven undiagnosed and untreated head injuries. No doubt, you can only begin to guess what kind of impact that might have on your life.

Well, friends, it actually happened to Mahalia, and she spent years looking for something—anything—that would ease her pain. After trying many different modalities, with varying degrees of success, Mahalia eventually discovered a kind of Spiritual Cocktail that finally seemed to do the trick for her.

Mahalia's solution involved a kind of alchemy that combined—as she puts it—”clairaudience, sounding, medical intuition, and remote seeing abilities”. And she was able to use these combined techniques to rehabilitate her own brain and body.

There’s no question that Mahalia's techniques can help people suffering from the debilitating effects of trauma. But you don’t have to be in pain in order to benefit from Mahalia's teaching!

So, if you’d like to get a little taste of

Brain Bliss…

then check out the video for this episode and remember to leave a comment in the space below!

LMTV #91: Shiny Object Syndrome

If You Are Ever Challenged By Distractions That Take Your Eyes Off The Target, You’ll Love This Week’s Episode!

Distractions happen to everyone from time-to-time. It’s just a natural part of being human and having an ego-mind. But for some of us, it often turns out that distractions seem to have more attractive energy in them than the things we really want to create or achieve in our lives!

It’s almost as if we just move from one distraction to the next, never quite finishing the Big Thing that we originally started, and we may not even realize we’re doing it! It’s what the Soul Talk Guys refer to as

Shiny Object Syndrome!

We all love those shiny objects, don’t we? We see them everywhere, and it’s so easy to allow our attention to be drawn away from what we claim is important. But the problem is, the more we allow ourselves to be distracted, the more the distractions become our primary focus. And that is when things begin to be troublesome.

It’s almost as if we become addicted to the distractions!

Have you ever considered the cost of being repeatedly distracted by those Shiny Objects?

  • How much time do you imagine gets wasted?
  • How do you feel when you look back and realize your goal is (still) unfulfilled?
  • What sort of example do you think you set for the people who matter in your life?
  • How does all of this impact your own health and well-being?

The purpose here is not to scare you or make you wrong! Far from it.

As with everything Tommy & David bring to you, it’s really all about raising awareness. And then, once you are more aware, offering you ways that help you to stay aware and bring you back to what is important and valuable in your life.

This week, let Tommy & David offer you some tips and suggestions for defusing the power of the distractions in your life, so that you can

  • Re-align with your purpose,
  • Set your sights back on your target, and
  • Still give yourself permission—and time—to play!

You deserve to have a completely fulfilled life in which you are always in alignment with your Spiritual Purpose, and where you accomplish your goals easily and joyfully. Let the Soul Talk Guys share with you some of their suggestions about how to get closer to that ideal!

Check out the video and then leave a comment in the space below!