LMTV #43: Life Matters 360

To experience yourself as a whole person, you must intentionally exercise all four aspects of yourself—regularly.

Author Rumer Godden said

Everyone is a house with four rooms: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual. Unless we go into every room EVERY day, even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person.

When you go to the gym, if you want to get a proper workout, then you have to exercise your body in a variety of ways. This usually includes some form of stretching, cardio-vascular, and strength-building exercises. No matter what particular form of exercise you do, you will have to make sure to warm up adequately before putting stress on your muscles, and any decent fitness instructor will also tell you to do a proper warm-down, followed by some relaxation to allow your body to integrate the benefits of your exercise.

To extend this metaphor a little further, it’s pretty obvious that if you want to keep yourself physically fit, then you can’t expect that to happen by going to the gym just once! On the contrary, you have to make a regular practice of working out—and, for best results, you must integrate that into your overall lifestyle.

This same idea holds true not only for your body, but also for your mind, heart, and spirit. In order to be fit in these areas of your life, you must develop a regular “workout” practice for them as well.

At Life Mastery TV, you’ve heard David & Tommy talk repeatedly about:

  • the importance of “feeling”—that is, allowing your emotions to flow through you;
  • keeping your mind clear by reducing inner chatter and taming the power of your ego-mind;
  • turning your attention inward and connecting to the wisdom of your own soul.

When you exercise these three areas of your life with the same dedication and passion that you do to keep your physical body in shape, you are taking very good care of yourself—LOVING yourself unconditionally. And this creates natural fulfillment in every aspect of your life. Not only that, but it also inspires others to follow your example and live their lives more fully!

In this week’s episode, Tommy & David talk about Life Matters 360 (a fulfilling and rewarding practice of lovingly exercising all four “rooms in your house”), and provide some guidance about how to integrate this into your life.

Enjoy the video, and please remember to leave a comment below!

LMTV #42: Uncovering Your Purpose

Everyone likes to feel useful. Everyone needs a purpose. Good news: you already have one!

You may not know what your purpose is just yet. Or maybe you have an idea, but it just hasn’t fully taken shape. Perhaps you’ve found your purpose and are already living it—in which case, Congratulations!

Regardless of where you find yourself, the truth is, you have a purpose. And when you uncover it, you’ll be able to live on purpose.

In his book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey said

What truly matters most to you in life? What do you want to be, to do? It’s never too late to examine this, and what you discover is a direct portal into your values.

This clearly points to your purpose and the benefits you’ll have when you are living it!

But just because you have a purpose doesn’t mean you’ll suddenly be thrust into the limelight or made to change professions. It’s not necessarily like that. Your purpose may be public—meaning you agreed to do something that puts you in front of others—but your purpose may also be simply to hold peaceful energy for the planet—for example, by gardening in your back yard.

Your purpose may become your paid profession, or it may be something you practice in your spare time, or it may be something you do in the background in all aspects of life, like Being something— Peaceful; Loving; Compassionate.

The one thing that seems to be common among Purposes—the lasting ones, the ones that keep calling you back—is the element of helping or serving others in some capacity or another. Another thing Purposes seem to have in common is that when you’re engaged in yours, you’re likely to be more present and in the moment.

And best of all, your Purpose is something that you will absolutely LOVE doing!

In this episode, Tommy & David help you to remember the importance of having a purpose, and guide you through a process to uncover the one already within.

Enjoy the video, and please leave a comment below!

LMTV #41: Resolving the Past

If you ever find yourself re-living the pain of the past—whether from your early childhood or from past lives— you’ll want to join us for this webinar!

The Past can be like a giant magnet, constantly trying to lure us into the bowels of hell. Okay, that might be a bit dramatic, but for many of us, the negative events of the past draw us in way too often.

We are often told that we should learn from history or else we are doomed to repeat it. Good advice, it seems:

  • We should learn from our own history.
  • We should learn from our own past.
  • We shoule learn the lessons we don’t want to repeat, and tap into the vast knowledge we’ve collected to help solve our current problems.
  • We can also visit the past to remember the great times and soak in those fine memories.

But more often than not, it seems, our experience with the past brings up the dark, the heavy, the “rather-not-remembered”. And THAT's the magnetic part of the past we need to learn to let go of—that unseen force that messes with our happiness.

Unfortunately, like most things around here, we can’t just ignore our past burdens and wish them away. Until we deal with them head-on, the heavy stuff of our past will keep haunting our present and scaring our future.

Past wounds, past pains, past emotional burdens have a way of messing with our intelligent thought processes in the present moment. And just when we think we’ve stuffed it far enough down in the bag, it rises up and takes on shapes like sadness, self-doubt, and depression. Heavy, negative magnets of the past also pull us into old drama patterns and leave us with unwanted gifts like worry, anxiety, and the silent killer, stress.

But there is good news here—great news in fact. There are ways to reduce the magnetic pull of the karmic cycle that we sometimes think we’re caught in. Clear, simple ways to let go of the baggage that no longer serves us. And that’s what David & Tommy are going to discuss this week on Life Mastery TV.

To help with this, they have invited a special guest and “past-magnet-liberator”, Josette Prevost, to join the webinar and to help us all work together with the process of

Resolving the Past

So leave those old worries behind and join us for a bright future!

LMTV #40: LMTV Free-For-All #2

Our second 1-hour special episode, with answers to some of life’s most perplexing questions…questions from people like YOU!

This is our FORTIETH (40th) episode of Life Mastery TV, and—as we did in episode #20—we make use of our patented Free-For-All Fishbowl.

Prior to the show, we spent a few weeks collecting topic ideas and questions from our loyal viewers, and we put all those questions—plus all the left-over topics from our previous Free-For-All—into the fishbowl. Then, during the show, we pulled topics from the fishbowl at random, and just let the conversation go where it needed to go.

And, as you’ve come to appreciate ever since we started this show, Tommy & David are never ones to shrink back from a challenge! As you can see for yourself when you watch this week’s video, they always tend to jump right “into the deep end” and tackle (lovingly!) every question that comes out of the fishbowl.

Here’s what’s in the video:

  • One solid hour of conversation. Yes, you read that right. This show is 60 minutes long instead of the usual 30 minutes.
  • Lots of interesting topics and questions from viewers just like you who just want to get answers.
  • Plenty of laughs and lots of fun—but also lots of great wisdom shared by two guys who have all the answers. (Or at least a few of them!)

Remember: please leave your comments at the bottom of this page.

LMTV #39: You Can’t THINK Your Feelings!

It’s interesting how the things closest to us are sometimes the least understood.

This is especially true for the mystery of how we feel, and it turns out that—quite literally—feelings are not what you THINK!

Most of us are pretty poorly trained on how things like fear, desire and worry impact our thought processes. And there’s a pretty good chance that you received even less instruction on how your emotions interact with your thoughts to create your life. Yet thinking and feeling—two completely separate, but inter-related processes—are pivotal in the success and happiness you experience.

As discussed in previous shows, we humans are highly influential creatures having the unique ability to create desirable outcomes and change life situations whenever we choose to.

Through the power of free will, what we think and feel leads to what we do, and what we do leads to our results. Our own experience proves that when we put both our minds and hearts into something, we are pretty hard to stop from creating what we want to create.

Given that our creative thoughts and emotions have such a huge impact on our lives, it would seem imperative for us to work on really understanding how we think and how we feel, don’t you agree? Yet most of us rarely consider the creative power within us, no less pay attention to what’s influencing our decisions. And what’s worse, many of us think we can process our feeling simply by thinking about them! And that’s where things can really get messed up.

So just ask yourself:

  • Do you really feel your feelings?
  • Are you truly in touch with your emotions and how they influence your life?
  • Have you perhaps shut down part of your emotional system and now rely on your brain to make decisions your energy system was meant to handle?

Tough questions!

If you would like to find some answers, join Tommy & David this week as we explore the difference between feeling our feelings and thinking our feelings.

It’s a critical distinction you don’t want to miss.

LMTV #38: Three Wishes

Forget about “resolutions”! Let’s talk about “Wishes with Intention”.

If you could make three wishes that you knew would come true, what would you wish for?

  • Would you wish for more wishes?
  • Would you wish for a million bucks…only to get a city full of deer?
  • Would you ask for more time to make your wishes, and then curse yourself for having wasted a wish on that?

To kick off the New Year in true Life Mastery TV style, we appear on the show with Three Wishes that we each have for ourselves, for our friends and family, and for the whole world. And by:

  • employing the Power of Intention,
  • evoking the Law of Attraction, and
  • Beginning with the End in Mind,

we set in motion the awesome power of human creativity and speak a total of six authentic, thoughtful, heartfelt requests into existence.

Watch the replay and then come up with Three Powerful Wishes of your own. Leave a comment below and share those wishes with every one else.

Remember the truism: Ask and ye shall receive!

Happy New Year to everyone!

LMTV #37: A Question of Trust

What takes dedication and commitment to build, and a mere lapse of judgment to damage or destroy? Answer: one of our most valued virtues—Trust.

Trust is one of those things that we tend to take for granted most of the time. In fact, trust is widely appreciated as one of the most precious gifts you can give to anyone. Or receive, for that matter. When someone trusts you, in a way, they’re saying to you “I see you as someone who can hold my heart gently, lovingly and compassionately. Thank you!”

According to Ernest Hemingway, “The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.”

When it comes to beginning a relationship, Hemingway’s statement seems obvious—you have to start by trusting the other person. But what happens when the other person does something that violates that trust? What then?

In this episode, David & Tommy are joined by a special guest, Beata Lewis, who is an executive coach specializing in this very issue. As a mediator and former attorney, Beata knows the vital and dynamic nature of agreements, ethics, conflict and trust for true partnering, and she is going to share some of her wisdom on this week’s show.

We talk about all things related to trust. In the video, you’ll learn about:

  • how to establish trust in almost any relationship;
  • how to maintain your own integrity so that you respect the trust you have with others;
  • what to do if trust gets violated on either side of the relationship.

Look, we all make mistakes. We all violate the trust of others. And, if you have any sense of integrity at all, then when this happens, you probably feel sadness or anger or shame because of what you have done. Yes, this is true, but beating yourself up for it is the absolute LAST thing you should do! Because, believe it or not:

  • there are plenty of ways for repairing the damage;
  • there are plenty of ways of getting back into integrity;
  • there are plenty of ways of healing your relationship and rebuilding that trust.

And that is just what David, Tommy and Beata share with you in this episode. So, check out the video and please leave a comment. And if you’d to find out more about Beata Lewis, please check out her website at Bridging Lives.

LMTV #36: Less “Nice”, More “Real”

Can we be “too nice”? What does it cost us? And how do we get back into balance with who we are?

It seems that we are taught from a very young age to always “be nice”. And of course, being kind and compassionate to everyone is a beautiful and loving sentiment.

Well, perhaps…Unless we take it too far.

But what is “too far”? Is there such a thing as being “too nice”? Does “kill-em-with-kindness” do more harm than good?

These are great questions, and they are the topic of this week’s discussion. Just to whet your appetite, here are a few examples of what can happen if you take the idea of being nice too far:

  • you consistently give in to the demands of others, and in the process sacrifice your own wants and needs;
  • you make sure that your partner or parents or children or friends have everything they seem to need before you even consider taking something for yourself;
  • you have a belief (probably unconscious) that if you do anything for yourself then you are being self-centered and irresponsible;
  • you come to believe that if you are not nice, then you are mean;
  • you become resentful of other people who seem capable of asserting themselves.

Wow! This is a lot of stuff to bear in the name of being nice, don’t you think? But what is really amazing is that none of this is necessary!

We are not advocating that you stop being nice. What we are doing is bringing the ego-mind ob session with niceness into awareness so that you can begin toning it down, finding a balance, and making sure you include YOURSELF in the list of people you are nice to. They are advocating a balance of “niceness” with “realness”—that is, moving steadily toward an authentic and compassionate expression of who you really are.

Enjoy the video, and please leave a comment below.

LMTV #35: Holidays…Cheer or Stress?

As the “Holiday Season” approaches, are you filled with joy or overcome with stress? We had invited a surprise guest to provide a different perspective, but unfortunately he was unable to attend.

What happens for you as the holidays approach?

  • Do you jump for joy at the prospect of creating and sharing a wonderful occasion for yourself and your family, complete with all the gifts and trimmings?
  • Do you find yourself feeling tight, compressed, and full of dread about all the things you imagine you “have to do” as part of your “holiday celebration”?
  • Or do you find yourself somewhere between these two extremes, excited about the holidays, but stressed out about the toll it’s going to take?

The holidays can be a stressful time for people, for all kinds of different reasons.

  • Maybe you’re concerned about making space in your calendar for all the people you “have to” meet.
  • Maybe you don’t like the idea of writing out 10, 50, 100, or even 500 cards to everyone on your list.
  • Maybe you are fed up trying to find special gifts for all the people you are “supposed to” buy for.
  • Maybe you just don’t want one more cup of mulled wine, or one more piece of Christmas cake.

So, how do we deal with this stress and still show up to be present for all the people that matter to us? Well, that’s what this week’s episode is all about. David & Tommy welcome a special “Mystery Guest” (rumor has it that he has some kind of association with the north pole…) to help find answers to some of these questions.

LMTV #34: Here Come Da Judge!

It’s so easy, isn’t it? To hold ourselves in high esteem and judge others. To call ourselves right and others wrong.

It’s so easy to sit up on our high, holy throne and cast judgment on anyone or anything that doesn’t meet our standards. To face this issue, which according to one book is called “original sin”, it helps to look at the last four words of the previous sentence.

Doesn’t meet our standards.

Here are some questions for you to ponder:

  • Who gets to decide the standards for everyone?
  • How does it serve us to think that we have a better idea of standards than anyone else?
  • Who are we, with our limited mastery of anything, to hold others accountable to our ever-changing expectations and beliefs?

Perhaps you can begin to hear some of the lunacy laced into this logic; perhaps you can see the nonsense wrapped up in judgment. Some say it started long ago with an apple and a forewarning about the knowledge of good and evil. Wherever judgment came from, almost all of us are afflicted with the power of judgment. The proof is in the pudding of everything from gossiping to killing and war…all based on a head full of judgments:

  • Right vs Wrong
  • Good vs Bad
  • Appropriate vs Inappropriate
  • Acceptable vs Unacceptable

To be fair, we need to recognize that judgment is a necessary skill for navigating our way through the world. But we’re talking here about how we judge each other, and the damage it can cause.

But you know what? When we learn to let go of judging, life takes on a lighter, freer, more enjoyable dimension. Find out more about how to do this by checking in with David & Tommy in this week’s episode!