LMTV #93: Kick the Habit

When you hear the phrase Kick the Habit, what’s the first thing you think of?

  • Smoking?
  • Drinking?
  • Gambling?
  • Drugs?
  • Some other form of addiction?

Sure, these are the official bad habits that we’d all like to avoid if we don’t have them, and to break if we do. But there are others, too, some of which may be even more damaging in their own way than the ones listed above.

What is a habit anyway? If you think about it for a moment, you may come to agree that a habit is really nothing more than a familiar—and usually easy—way to do something. And often, once the pattern gets ingrained in us, it drops into our subconscious, to the point where we may not even realize we’re doing it any more.

A habit usually starts out as a behavior that serves us in some way, that provides us some kind of comfort or gratification—that is, it fills some kind of need that we may believe we have within us. And the initial behavior may in fact serve a viable and helpful purpose for us when we first start doing it. But in time—usually long after the behavior has become somewhat automatic—it no longer serves the purpose for which it was intended, and it may end up actually doing damage…damage to ourselves, to our loved ones, or to our environment.

Consider a simple example. Say you are disappointed with your performance doing a particular activity. You might give yourself a little pep-talk to get yourself motivated to do better. The next time you engage that activity you actually find yourself improving. But then, you may find that you want to improve yourself even more, and so the pep-talk becomes even more intense and animated—to the point where, if you don’t live up to the increasingly high standard—you end up berating yourself, criticizing yourself, beating yourself up. And then, before you know it, you have developed a habit of negative self-talk! If you’re lucky, you’ll become aware of this and maybe find a way to heal it before it gets totally out of hand, but sadly, most of us engage in this kind of thing until it does real psychological damage to ourselves—and to others around us.

What other kinds of debilitating habits might we be talking about here? Well, how about these:

  • Engaging in negative self-talk.
  • Complaining, bitching, moaning about our situations.
  • Worrying or being anxious about virtually every condition in our lives.
  • Overthinking and overanalyzing things.
  • Judging people, events, or conditions.
  • Blaming situations or people rather than taking responsibility for our own choices.
  • Gossiping about others.
  • Comparing ourselves with others and then berating ourselves for failing to measure up.

Well, as you can see, there is a fairly lengthy list of possible habits that may be even more dangerous than the ones listed at the beginning!

What to do? What to do?

Indeed, it may seem like a monumental task to break habits like these, but Tommy & David know that it’s not as hard as you might think. And that’s what they’re going to share with you this week.

The Soul Talk Guys have both been there; they’ve had a lot of these habits themselves, and they’ve worked through the hard parts of breaking most of them. They can help you to start and continue this process for yourself too. So, if you want to reduce a lot of stresss in your life and make things much more peaceful for yourself and everyone around you, check out this week’s webinar. Join David & Tommy and learn how to

Kick the Habit!

You’ll be glad you did!

LMTV #92: Brain Bliss

Brain Bliss…Sounds Delicious, Doesn’t It? And Guess What? No Drugs Involved!

In one of their many travels, the Soul Talk Guys were fortunate enough to meet a very powerful and intuitive shamanic teacher by the name of Mahalia Michael, who introduced them to the idea of using light sound energy to optimize body, heart and brain functions. Interacting with this energy often leaves people in a state of euphoria, and so Mahalia decided to call her process

Brain Bliss!

Lucky for everyone, Mahalia agreed to join Tommy & David for this week’s episode to share some of her wisdom and teachings with you.

Imagine going through 20 years of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Now add to that a debilitating condition that resulted from hidden trauma, among the worst of which were seven undiagnosed and untreated head injuries. No doubt, you can only begin to guess what kind of impact that might have on your life.

Well, friends, it actually happened to Mahalia, and she spent years looking for something—anything—that would ease her pain. After trying many different modalities, with varying degrees of success, Mahalia eventually discovered a kind of Spiritual Cocktail that finally seemed to do the trick for her.

Mahalia's solution involved a kind of alchemy that combined—as she puts it—”clairaudience, sounding, medical intuition, and remote seeing abilities”. And she was able to use these combined techniques to rehabilitate her own brain and body.

There’s no question that Mahalia's techniques can help people suffering from the debilitating effects of trauma. But you don’t have to be in pain in order to benefit from Mahalia's teaching!

So, if you’d like to get a little taste of

Brain Bliss…

then check out the video for this episode and remember to leave a comment in the space below!

LMTV #91: Shiny Object Syndrome

If You Are Ever Challenged By Distractions That Take Your Eyes Off The Target, You’ll Love This Week’s Episode!

Distractions happen to everyone from time-to-time. It’s just a natural part of being human and having an ego-mind. But for some of us, it often turns out that distractions seem to have more attractive energy in them than the things we really want to create or achieve in our lives!

It’s almost as if we just move from one distraction to the next, never quite finishing the Big Thing that we originally started, and we may not even realize we’re doing it! It’s what the Soul Talk Guys refer to as

Shiny Object Syndrome!

We all love those shiny objects, don’t we? We see them everywhere, and it’s so easy to allow our attention to be drawn away from what we claim is important. But the problem is, the more we allow ourselves to be distracted, the more the distractions become our primary focus. And that is when things begin to be troublesome.

It’s almost as if we become addicted to the distractions!

Have you ever considered the cost of being repeatedly distracted by those Shiny Objects?

  • How much time do you imagine gets wasted?
  • How do you feel when you look back and realize your goal is (still) unfulfilled?
  • What sort of example do you think you set for the people who matter in your life?
  • How does all of this impact your own health and well-being?

The purpose here is not to scare you or make you wrong! Far from it.

As with everything David & Tommy bring to you, it’s really all about raising awareness. And then, once you are more aware, offering you ways that help you to stay aware and bring you back to what is important and valuable in your life.

This week, let Tommy & David offer you some tips and suggestions for defusing the power of the distractions in your life, so that you can

  • Re-align with your purpose,
  • Set your sights back on your target, and
  • Still give yourself permission—and time—to play!

You deserve to have a completely fulfilled life in which you are always in alignment with your Spiritual Purpose, and where you accomplish your goals easily and joyfully. Let the Soul Talk Guys share with you some of their suggestions about how to get closer to that ideal!

Check out the video and then leave a comment in the space below!

LMTV #90: Embrace the Force

As Humans Wake up to Conscious Evolution, More and More of us Recognize and Realize that We’re All One…

Well, what exactly do we mean by that? What do we mean when we feel the energy of connection and say that “We’re All One”?

  • Are we one Body? Seems unlikely.
  • Are we one Mind? Possibly.
  • Are we one Spirit? Almost certainly!

Great sages and enlightened beings of current and past times all seem to agree with the idea that we are One in Spirit. At the spiritual level, we all originate from the same Source, the same Light, the same Consciousness, the same Energy.

Consider what happens when you take a drop of water and release it into the ocean. Instantly, you can no longer tell where the drop ends and the ocean begins. In a way, every drop of water from the Ocean is the Ocean itself. And the same is true for us—at least from a spiritual perspective. We are unique, individual drops of Consciousness Incarnate. And we manifest in the physical plane as material bodies with environmental sensors (eyes, ears, etc.), and brains like computers. (In fact, if you think about if for a moment, computers are actually created to mimic the brain!)

Comprehend the magnitude of realizing that you are, at the spiritual level, One with Everything. The power in understanding and then realizing this for yourself is immense! To recognize and acknowledge that you’re part of the whole grand Source of all Energy and Love is an amazing realization. An amazing—and liberating—A-HA.

As we take our first steps into the New Year, the Soul Talk Guys invite and encourage you to:

  • Embrace the Universal Force within you.
  • Embrace your True Nature.
  • Embrace the truth that you are an equal part of the great Ocean of Universal Energy.

If you make no other commitment, set no other intention for 2016, then at least open yourself to this great, wonderful and liberating truth! For when you do, No longer will you be at the mercy and whim of other beings to provide you dribbles of left-over, crummy life-force-energy. No longer will you be under the spell of Approvalitis, always pandering to and pleasing others so they don’t take away their attention, affection, or love from you.

To know you are plugged directly into the Source of all Energy, and not to feel drained or left out all the time, is one of the most magnificent changes in perspective you can make for yourself.

This week—on New Year’s Day, to be sure!—Tommy & David will be joined by some of the Brilliant Lights on the planet. And together, they’ll talk about, and show you, where the Great Electrical Socket in the Sky is and how you can tap into it. Right Now!

Be sure to plug in.

LMTV #89: Family of Choice

Many of Us Feel Somewhat Alienated from our Families of Origin—Especially During the Holiday Season.

On multiple occasions in recent weeks, both Tommy & David have heard from different friends about some of the challenges—and even tough times—they have experienced with their families at Thanksgiving. A common theme is that these people feel like they have very little left in common with the people who raised them and influenced their early lives. And stemming from that feeling, they may also express frustration that their family members “just don’t ‘get them'”—and may even mock them or put down their spiritual nature. What’s up with that?

  • Don’t they see that I’ve changed?
  • Can’t they see I’m feeling better about myself and my life?
  • Why don’t they join in instead of trying to jab me with their dull wit?

Maybe you’ve experienced some of this dynamic yourself…?

On the other hand—and since you’re plugged into the Soul Talk Guys way of being—it’s probably safe to assume you have other people in your life who totally get you and support you. People who are kindred spirits with similar spiritual perspectives, inspirations and aspirations, right?

It’s amazing when we’re able to attend a spiritual conference, workshop, or talk. Amazing, not only in the teachings and insights we receive, but in the people we meet.

No matter where we are in the world or who we meet, humans with an awareness of their true spiritual nature have the ability to relate, connect, and get along harmoniously—and all quite naturally. Because they recognize that we’re connecting at a level of Human Nature—our True Nature—which is that of Spirit.

It’s really quite remarkable and amazing how a spiritual connection can (and usually does) easily and lovingly transcend the man-made boundaries of race, creed, color, gender, belief systems—and any other “box” you care to name!

It seems that our Spirits have no race, creed, color, sex, suffering, or stupidity at all! When we connect at a spiritual level, all those messy, artificial, human boundaries just seem to dissolve away—to the point that we might well wonder where they came from in the first place!

In this episode, recorded on Christmas Day (the eve of both Kwanzaa and Boxing Day), Kindred Spirits join David & Tommy to explore the topic of Family—with particular focus on the questions:

  • Do we have a Family outside the boundaries of our blood relatives?
  • Do we have a choice?

Check out the video and join the conversation as David & Tommy bring powerful focus to these important issues!

Oh, yes: Don’t forget to leave a comment below!

LMTV #88: Pre-Forgive

What If You Could Forgive…In Advance?

Forgiveness is a powerful force. No doubt you are already aware of this. But we’re all human, right? Which, of course, means that we make mistakes. And sometimes those mistakes can cause pain for others. Or for ourselves. Well, what could be better than adopting an attitude of pre-forgiveness?

Just think about that for a minute…

As long as you are on a path of personal growth, you are always going to be trying out new ideas. From time-to-time, things won’t work out the way you hoped or expected. And you may be inclined to judge yourself because you didn’t quite live up to your own expectations of yourself. You may even think of yourself as a failure. This is bound to happen, wouldn’t you say?

Well, wouldn’t it be nice if you could be more loving and compassionate to yourself? Wouldn’t it be great if you could keep that image of forgiveness right out there in front of you—no matter what you do, or how things might turn out?

Interesting concept, wouldn’t you say? It’s something that Tommy & David have alluded to from time to time, and in this episode they take a deeper dive into this topic. JoAnn RotermundAnd who better to help them with this than the “Forgiveness Lady” herself, JoAnn Rotermund!

JoAnn has been on the show with the Soul Talk Guys a couple of times before, and she always brings a warm, loving attitude of forgiveness and gratitude that is totally contagious. So Tommy & David figured that having her on right before the holidays would be a great way to help you prepare for what can often be stressful time of year.

Consider the potential benefits that you might derive if you could develop a practice of pre-forgiveness:

  • You’ll be more self-compassionate and self-loving.
  • You’ll have much less stress.
  • You’ll be happier in your life.
  • You’ll be more attractive and magnetic to others.
  • Everything about your life will be better!

Don’t those sound like great things to bring into your life?

Well, then check out the video for this episode and remember to leave a comment in the space below.

LMTV #87: The Magnificence Within

What You’re Looking For is Far Closer than You Might Imagine!

All of us go through the Ups and Downs of the Spiritual Adventure. This is an unavoidable fact of life. Sometimes we feel the exuberance and excitment of making great strides; other times we feel the sadness or frustration of backpedaling or slipping into a hole.

That’s why it’s important for us to make time to remember the strides, the successes, the ahas and the wins. For when we do this, we can more easily see that we are all works in progress.

Yes, it’s important for us to periodically step back and see how well things have been going. Because, in reality, we are masterpieces in the making. Whether we believe it or not, inside we’re already Perfect; we’re already Enlightened. We’re already Life Masters. Even though we may not be fully aware of it.

Legend credits Michaelangelo with a clever response to a curious sculptor-to-be, who wanted to understand the master’s process. As the tale goes, Michaelangelo said

First you decide what you want to create. Then you just bring your hammer and chisel to your block of marble, and chip away everything that isn’t part of your masterpiece.

Whether Michaelangelo actually said this or not doesn’t really matter. What matters is the intention behind the message—

The masterpiece is already there inside the raw material.

Think about that for a moment. If you direct your attention inward, then you must realize that the great Masterpiece of YOU is already here just waiting to be uncovered and brought—fully formed—into the world. In other words, there is no need for you to reshape or remold or recast all that you imagine you have become into something different! You just need to clear away some of the clutter, some of the stone, some of the dust—and the Masterpiece will be revealed.

What a concept!

And where is all this clutter and stone and dust? Well, that is the product of distorted thinking by an ego-mind that truly believes that it is trying to keep you safe. It’s just a question of realizing the truth so that you can see what is real and what is not.

Clear away all that stuff and—guess what?—you expose the treasure of who you really are. And you become totally free to embrace your full self and to show up more fully in the world.

Check out the latest video from Tommy & David to learn some tricks & secrets for uncovering

The Magnificence Within.

LMTV #86: Into Me You See

Two Guys Chatting About Intimacy—Not Something You See Every Day!

It’s true. Say the word intimacy, and many people will immediately conclude you are talking about sex. But while sex very often does imply some level of intimacy, intimacy can exist without any sexual activity at all! And it is that kind of intimacy that the Soul Talk Guys talk about in this episode.

As members of the Human Race, we’re not generally trained or taught very well in the use of our emotional energy system. It’s just not something that’s been passed down from one generation to the next. And in some households, not only is the idea of expressing emotions treated like a dark art, very often it is completely taboo! Hard to imagine for some of us, but it really is true!

It seems that when we don’t know something about ourselves that should be blatantly obvious, all our defenses rise up to quell the unrest. We get particularly touchy when someone tries to tell us something we should already know—such as how to control our minds or feel our emotions!

You might well wonder, “Why didn’t anyone teach us something as basic as how to experience our human emotions when we were younger!?” The answer is quite simple: “No one taught our parents, so they weren’t able to teach us.” Thankfully, this dynamic seems to be changing in our world today, but there are still many people of adult age who have great difficulty with Emotional Intelligence.

We are all taught how to think, however—although some people might say that we are taught what to think! Yes, we have all kinds of powerful programs to get our thinking muscles into great shape.

Well, the Soul Talk Guys are dedicated to talking about the tough topics—and emotions are right up there at the top of the list. Fear, sadness, jealousy, judgment, as well as generosity, joy, courage, compassion, and true love—these are all topics that Tommy & David happily discuss and share on a weekly basis.

And so, for this episode, they figured, “Why not talk about the courage and vulnerability involved in the energy of Intimacy?”

You read that right! True intimacy requires immense bravery. It takes guts to move beyond the concerns of self, to get beyond the fears and worries of what others might think or that you might get hurt. It may feel like you’re standing at the edge of a cliff, with only a hang-glider to help you down—and never having flown in your life! You could easily have questions in your mind like these:

  • Do I dare take the next step?
  • Do I dare expose my own feelings and emotions to someone else?
  • Do I dare open up to the possibility of heartache—or worse?
  • What if they judge me?
  • What if they don’t like what they see?
  • What if I crash and burn?
  • What if, what if, what if …

Join David & Tommy as they put on their Headlamps of Awareness and go spelunking into the inner caverns of the Soul.

Treading where few dare to tread. Into the depths of their own hearts.

Come see a couple of guys chatting about Intimacy.

You’re in for a very interesting ride…

Into Me You See.

DISCLAIMER: Apologies, but the recording ended abrubtly about 12 minutes into the broadcast. Nevertheless, we think you’ll still find value in the video, so please take the time to watch…and REMEMBER to leave a comment below!

LMTV #85: A Generous Helping

This is a Great Time of Year to be Thinking of Taking Gratitude to the Next Level!

For many people, Gratitude represents a turning point from the selfish what’s-in-it-for-me attitude conditioned into us, to the place where we can actually be grateful for whatever life has to offer. To the point of becoming thankful even for the challenges and opportunities for growth.

Feeling gratitude is also associated with the opening and proper functioning of the seventh chakra—the crown chakra. The opening of the crown chakra, which happens when we clear away the blocks of lack, and reconnect with pure gratitude to our source of plenty, is a milestone in all of our journeys, often marked by the realization that we’re not in this life all alone, and that we’re connected to everything—and everyone!

As with many things spiritual, Gratitude is an idea, a concept, a feeling, a belief. And while it’s powerful in its own right, some people may find it difficult to connect to it. Gratitude may be one of those things that’s easy to say, and sometimes hard to get or to live by.

June SchreiberSo, in this season of being thankful and expressing gratitude, the Soul Talk Guys devote an episode to discussing solid ways to practice gratitude—by providing a kind of spiritual map from the what to the how. And to help them bring some great wisdom to the discussion, they are joined by none other than June Schreiber.

As people train to become Enlightened Buddhas (people who have completely abandoned all delusions of the mind), one of the six key practices a Bodhisattva focuses on doing well is Giving. In this sense, Giving doesn’t necessarily mean sharing energy in monetary form—although that is certainly one way to do it.

There are many ways we can practice Giving, such as:

  • Giving your time to someone, or lending an ear—really listening to someone;
  • Offering someone your full, undivided, loving attention;
  • Counseling or coaching someone who’s asked for your advice;
  • Volunteering at a local food bank;
  • Helping someone who’s struggling with crisis or stress;
  • Perhaps just saying ‘Hello’ to a lonely neighbor.

These are all simple, yet very powerful acts of

Giving. Generosity. Helping. Walking the walk of Gratitude.

And in this episode, Giving is the topic under discussion. David & Tommy discuss Genuine Generosity—giving without expecting anything in return. No expectation of praise; no ‘thank you’ required. Just unselfish, unconditional, pure generosity.

So if you’d like to have a little taste of this for yourself during the Holiday Season, join Tommy & David, along with their guest June Schreiber, and treat yourself to A Generous Helping of gratitude.

What better way to practice gratitude than to generously give of yourself for the betterment of others!

LMTV #84: Getting Ready to BE Ready

Do You Ever Postpone Something Because You Don’t Think You’re Ready Enough?

We all have things in our lives that are important to us, things that we really want to accomplish or things that we want to share with others. And, naturally, we want to be proud of what we do and how we show up in the world. The question is:

How perfect does our creation have to be before we’re willing to reveal it to the world?

For some of us, it seems like we believe we have to be super-heroes—completely polished and poised and practiced to perfection—before we dare step out and share what it is we have to offer. We have this nagging story in our heads that, before we let anyone see our creation, we have to:

  • fix this little flaw over here;
  • add that feature over there;
  • make sure that we address every conceivable objection that might come up.

In short, we are never quite ready. Instead, we are spending all our time

Getting Ready to BE Ready!

One of the great ironies of life—if you pause and reflect on it—is that everything is perfect already—at least in this moment. The only place that imperfection really exists is within our ego-minds, which has a quirky tendency to remind us of all our mistakes of the past and to imagine that those same mistakes will show up in the future! The problem is, if we allow ourselves to buy into the drama created by this infinite loop, then we spend no time at all in the present moment and so we cannot appreciate its beauty and perfection. Instead, we allow our ego-minds to bounce us back and forth between the past and the future. And so, in this way, we justify our own procrastination…and then wonder why we’re not getting anywhere!

As you might have guessed already, David & Tommy are no strangers to this phenomenon. In fact, they will be the first to admit that they still find themselves challenged by it from time to time. But over the course of many opportunities to deal with this kind of ego-mind dynamic, they have found some techniques that help them to overcome the inertia that sets in when they are working so hard

Getting Ready to BE Ready!

This week, the Soul Talk Guys will be addressing this issue at length and offering some ideas about how you can break the cycle and simply

BE Ready!

It takes trust in yourself, to be sure, but Tommy & David know that you are up for the challenge—and for the journey that will result. So, invite yourself into this week’s episode and watch the video now!