LMTV #90: Embrace the Force

As Humans Wake up to Conscious Evolution, More and More of us Recognize and Realize that We’re All One…

Well, what exactly do we mean by that? What do we mean when we feel the energy of connection and say that “We’re All One”?

  • Are we one Body? Seems unlikely.
  • Are we one Mind? Possibly.
  • Are we one Spirit? Almost certainly!

Great sages and enlightened beings of current and past times all seem to agree with the idea that we are One in Spirit. At the spiritual level, we all originate from the same Source, the same Light, the same Consciousness, the same Energy.

Consider what happens when you take a drop of water and release it into the ocean. Instantly, you can no longer tell where the drop ends and the ocean begins. In a way, every drop of water from the Ocean is the Ocean itself. And the same is true for us—at least from a spiritual perspective. We are unique, individual drops of Consciousness Incarnate. And we manifest in the physical plane as material bodies with environmental sensors (eyes, ears, etc.), and brains like computers. (In fact, if you think about if for a moment, computers are actually created to mimic the brain!)

Comprehend the magnitude of realizing that you are, at the spiritual level, One with Everything. The power in understanding and then realizing this for yourself is immense! To recognize and acknowledge that you’re part of the whole grand Source of all Energy and Love is an amazing realization. An amazing—and liberating—A-HA.

As we take our first steps into the New Year, the Soul Talk Guys invite and encourage you to:

  • Embrace the Universal Force within you.
  • Embrace your True Nature.
  • Embrace the truth that you are an equal part of the great Ocean of Universal Energy.

If you make no other commitment, set no other intention for 2016, then at least open yourself to this great, wonderful and liberating truth! For when you do, No longer will you be at the mercy and whim of other beings to provide you dribbles of left-over, crummy life-force-energy. No longer will you be under the spell of Approvalitis, always pandering to and pleasing others so they don’t take away their attention, affection, or love from you.

To know you are plugged directly into the Source of all Energy, and not to feel drained or left out all the time, is one of the most magnificent changes in perspective you can make for yourself.

This week—on New Year’s Day, to be sure!—Tommy & David will be joined by some of the Brilliant Lights on the planet. And together, they’ll talk about, and show you, where the Great Electrical Socket in the Sky is and how you can tap into it. Right Now!

Be sure to plug in.

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