This is a Great Time of Year to be Thinking of Taking Gratitude to the Next Level!
For many people, Gratitude represents a turning point from the selfish what’s-in-it-for-me attitude conditioned into us, to the place where we can actually be grateful for whatever life has to offer. To the point of becoming thankful even for the challenges and opportunities for growth.
Feeling gratitude is also associated with the opening and proper functioning of the seventh chakra—the crown chakra. The opening of the crown chakra, which happens when we clear away the blocks of lack, and reconnect with pure gratitude to our source of plenty, is a milestone in all of our journeys, often marked by the realization that we’re not in this life all alone, and that we’re connected to everything—and everyone!
As with many things spiritual, Gratitude is an idea, a concept, a feeling, a belief. And while it’s powerful in its own right, some people may find it difficult to connect to it. Gratitude may be one of those things that’s easy to say, and sometimes hard to get or to live by.
So, in this season of being thankful and expressing gratitude, the Soul Talk Guys devote an episode to discussing solid ways to practice gratitude—by providing a kind of spiritual map from the what to the how. And to help them bring some great wisdom to the discussion, they are joined by none other than June Schreiber.
As people train to become Enlightened Buddhas (people who have completely abandoned all delusions of the mind), one of the six key practices a Bodhisattva focuses on doing well is Giving. In this sense, Giving doesn’t necessarily mean sharing energy in monetary form—although that is certainly one way to do it.
There are many ways we can practice Giving, such as:
- Giving your time to someone, or lending an ear—really listening to someone;
- Offering someone your full, undivided, loving attention;
- Counseling or coaching someone who’s asked for your advice;
- Volunteering at a local food bank;
- Helping someone who’s struggling with crisis or stress;
- Perhaps just saying ‘Hello’ to a lonely neighbor.
These are all simple, yet very powerful acts of
Giving. Generosity. Helping. Walking the walk of Gratitude.
And in this episode, Giving is the topic under discussion. David & Tommy discuss Genuine Generosity—giving without expecting anything in return. No expectation of praise; no ‘thank you’ required. Just unselfish, unconditional, pure generosity.
So if you’d like to have a little taste of this for yourself during the Holiday Season, join Tommy & David, along with their guest June Schreiber, and treat yourself to A Generous Helping of gratitude.
What better way to practice gratitude than to generously give of yourself for the betterment of others!