LMTV #56: T’aint(ed) Love

Have you noticed the kinds of conditions and limits we put on Love?

Collectively, we humans have a lot of different ideas and beliefs about love, and many of them seem to be restrictive and disempowering. We talk about things like

  • “I’m falling in love”;
  • “Love is in the air”;
  • “Love hurts”;
  • “If you really loved me, then…”

We also seem to have this rather odd idea that one way for us to show our love for someone is by telling them how much we “want” them or “need” them! It’s almost as if we elevate our desire for connection into a craving that has the flavor of an addiction. And worse, our culture seems to promote this idea and give us the impression that this is somehow “romantic”.

And yet, what we regularly fail to recognize—or perhaps we recognize it but choose simply to accept it as “normal”—is the degree of neediness and clinginess we carry into our expressions of love toward others.

As you might have already guessed, David & Tommy recognize this as a problem and want to do something about it. While there may be aspects of love in the behaviors and thinking patterns we’re talking about here, for the most part, it really is “tainted love” because it is tightly enmeshed with all kinds of restrictions and conditions.

David & Tommy believe that Real Love can be easily distinguished from “tainted love” by virtue of some key qualities:

  • It is free from all restrictions, conditions and expectations.
  • It is freely available to everyone, and it is freely shared—neither requesting nor requiring anything in return.
  • It encourages, empowers, and supports people to step fully into their authentic power and magnificence.
  • The more of it that is given away, the more of it there is to give.

Isn’t this the kind of love we all really want in our lives? Don’t you want to invite it into your life, too?

In this week’s webinar, Tommy & David investigate the differences between Real Love and “tainted love”, and they provide you with ways to eliminate the “tainted” variety. In the process, you learn more about how to ensure that you are only sharing Real Love with everyone in your life.

Watch the video, and join in the movement to rid the world of “tainted love”!

Oh, yeah, and don't forget to leave a comment below!

LMTV #55: The Happiness Myth

The Pursuit of Happiness is an awful lot like Trying Hard to Let Go…an oxymoron!

As long as you’re trying hard, you’re never really letting go. As long as you’re pursuing, you’re never truly happy. And therein lies the lie in the pursuit of happiness.

The so-called American Dream, in which the pursuit of happiness is promised, sets us up on a never-ending chase. And when we buy into this dream, we enter a race that cannot be won.


Well if we’re caught in the race, the race will keep us trapped by always moving the finish line. Just when we think we’re close, there’ll be another gadget to buy, a newer car to drive, a bigger house to own.

It’s not too much different than tying a carrot to a stick that dangles in front of the jackass’s nose. As long as the jackass is counting on that carrot to give him happiness, he’ll never reach it and be satisfied!

The same is true for you. No matter how hard you pursue, no matter how fast you run, no matter how long you stick with it, as long as you imagine your happiness to be something you need to pursue, it will remain ever elusive.

Similar to blaming everything out there for your troubles, if you’re counting on conditions out there to get better before you become happy, good luck. Actually, you’ll probably need a lot more than good luck to accomplish that impossible feat!

We all know money can’t buy happiness—we’ve heard it a million times. Yet our chatter brain still cunningly convinces us that as soon as we get that raise, as soon as we make more money, as soon as we meet the right person, as soon as our ship comes in…

We’ll be HAPPY!

Sorry, gang, aint gonna happen. At least not that way! You can

  • Keep looking outside for happiness;
  • Keep looking outside for satisfaction;
  • Keep looking outside for love and approval;

…but if you do, you’ll die a poor, sad, lonely person.

Check out the video and raise your chances of dying happy! For REAL!

Oh, yeah, and don't forget to leave a comment below!

LMTV #54: Trying Hard to Let Go

Letting go is supposed to be about relaxing and taking it as it comes, right?

And even though we know life is easier when we’re in the Flow of Allowing, something inside wants to cling tight—and that’s when the inner tug-of-war begins to rage.

Trying hard to let go…
Trying hard to let go…
Trying hard to let go…

It seems like a bit of an oxymoron when you think about it. We recognize our inner desire to move into the flow, to just be with what is and to allow ourselves to fully experience and enjoy our lives. But at the same time—as we imagine ourselves stepping more deeply into the fullness of ourselves—we are tricked by our ever-loving ego-minds into listening to stories about all the dangers in the world, and this leads us to hold ourselves back from what we truly want. When this happens, it may seem like a very real internal struggle, with the good guys competing against the bad guys. This is what it can feel like when we are

Trying Hard to Let Go

Even when your higher self knows the importance of allowing, of trusting, of surrendering control over everything, the ego-mind digs in its heels and fearfully clings to old baggage that clearly no longer serves you. The ego-mind resists change—of course it does!—because this type of change means it’s being rightsized! And it will cleverly trick you into thinking you need to keep all the crap in your closets and under your bed. It says thing like

“Wait!! I’m in this pile of crap somewhere!”

And therein lies the lie.

You are nowhere in the old stuff, the old pains, even the old memories. No matter what your ego-mind might be telling you, the truth is that you are nowhere but right HERE, right NOW.

In this episode, the Soul Talk Guys shed some light on this inner struggle and talk about why our inner “protector” is so afraid of letting go. Check out the video with David & Tommy and begin to

Let Go for Good

Enjoy the replay video, and please leave a comment below!

LMTV #53: Shine On (You Crazy Diamond)

What if you came to this planet to do a particular job?

And what if you had to go through all the hell, hardship, and suffering in your life as part of the plan. For—perhaps—only having gone through that level of human pain and anguish are you able to turn around and help others. What if?

Well, this week, Tommy & David dive right into their second year of Life Mastery TV with a powerful episode that will challenge you on this very issue—and we all love a challenge, right?

Just imagine…

Suppose you’ve already completed the prescribed “hard part”, and all you have to do now is teach others what you’ve learned? Maybe you’re done with the trials and difficulties; maybe it’s time to get on with doing what you came here to do?

Exciting, huh? Consider a powerful and exciting potential future for yourself:

  • A future that fills your heart to overflowing because you know who you really are and you have a clear sense of what you are here to do;
  • A future that flows like the inspiration that touches you when you witness others step into their power;
  • A future that wraps you in love, hope, and joy.

Well, friends, it’s right there in front of you. All you have to do is reach out and take it. And only you can do what you came here to do; no-one else can do it for you. Remember, Tommy & David are here to help, and you can get some of that help for free right here, right now! What do you have to lose? You know you want to. You know you’re ready now. So get on with it!

Shine on, you crazy diamond!

Enjoy the replay video, and please leave a comment below!

LMTV #52: Anniversary Celebration

No matter what journey you are on, it’s a good idea occasionally to pause long enough to acknowledge and appreciate how far you’ve come.

Way back on April 18, 2014, David & Tommy had this crazy idea to do a bunch of webinars designed to help people live better lives. They decided to call their program "Life Mastery TV". Since then, David & Tommy have completed…(drum roll please)

51 Episodes!

Well, today’s episode marks the completion of a whole year of amazing webinars, so Tommy & David decided that a celebration was called for! For their celebration Tommy & David invited a whole bunch of their favorite people to join them in a special 1-hour episode that turned out to be a boisterous and entertaining look back over the past year.

If you take a look back 52 weeks, what accomplishments and achievements and self-wonders can YOU acknowledge? What did YOU release; what did YOU surrender to in order to get where you are today? What lessons have YOU learned that you can apply in the next 52 weeks?

David & Tommy invited the following amazing messengers to consider these questions and more during this week’s celebration webinar:

If you have watched any of the webinars during the past year, then you may have met one or more of these people, and you already know the kinds of brilliance and wisdom that they bring to the world. Well, just imagine having them all present during one powerful, entertaining and illuminating broadcast!

Enjoy the replay video, and please leave a comment below!

LMTV #51: From Thinking To Knowing

When You Stop Thinking, then You Can KNOW Who You Really Are!

In last week’s webinar (Who Do You Think You Are?), David & Tommy talked about how we actually tend to put ourselves in boxes with our limiting beliefs. And our limiting beliefs are the product of our unregulated, unmonitored, repetitive—and usually negative—thoughts about ourselves.

In some ways, René Descartes was correct when he said

I think, therefore I am.

But not, perhaps, in the way he intended.

Our thoughts are very powerful indeed, and if we choose to, we can use them to help us create ever greater versions of ourselves, one iteration at a time.

But there is something much more powerful than your thoughts, and that is the source truth of who you really are. This truth, this wisdom, this knowing is available to you all the time, but you are not likely to find it in the musings of your mind. You must actually silence the mind in order to access this wisdom, for only then will the quiet but powerful sage within have sufficient space in which to share its wisdom with you.

You have heard David & Tommy share this kind of message before, and they are going to deepen that message for you this week. Don’t waste any more time! If you want to experience true freedom—that is, freedom from the limitations of your mind—then make a commitment to yourself to attend this week’s webinar!

Freedom is only a heartbeat away!Enjoy the video, and please leave a comment below!

LMTV #50: Who Do You Think You Are?

Have you ever contemplated who you THINK you are…compared to who you REALLY are?

It is a wonderful question, really, because it can stop you in your tracks.

Who do you think you are?

Most of us put a great deal of faith in a self-image that is based upon our thoughts, but—as you’ve no doubt heard David & Tommy say in previous episodes (maybe to your own consternation!)—we are not our thoughts! Philosopher Rene Descartes is credited with saying

I think, therefore I am.

But Tommy & David believe Descartes got it backwards. It seems more accurate to declare

I am, therefore I think.

While you are not your thoughts, you most definitely are the creator of your thoughts, and this means you have to take responsibility. Furthermore, we know that thoughts are imbued with a great deal of creative power, so you can use your thoughts to manifest pretty much anything you want in your world—including a bigger, more enlightened, improved version of yourself. Pretty awesome, right?

Here’s the challenge: while we are busy thinking, we tend to disconnect from the powerful but quiet voice of our inner authority. And if we let ourselves get too caught up in our thinking, then we can even forget about the very existence of that voice. Tommy & David want to help correct that, and this week they’ve planned a kind of jailbreak. What kind of jailbreak, you ask? Well, that’s one of the things that’s fun about Life Mastery TV—most episodes contain all kinds of surprises…so, you’ll just have to join the presentation to find out!

Enjoy the video, and please leave a comment below!

LMTV #49: The Inmates Are Running the Asylum!

When things get out of control, it can seem like the crew has mutinied or the gremlins have stormed the control tower!

  • Have you noticed that we all seem to believe that life is supposed to be a challenge and that we are supposed to struggle and suffer?
  • Have you noticed how much stress and worry and misery we all seem to be living with?
  • Have you ever wondered why this is so?
  • Have you ever wondered what you can do about it?

Getting all caught up in the drama of your ego-mind can create all kinds of havoc, chaos, and confusion in your life. And this can lead to more undesirable consequences than you might care to admit! And the stress that accompanies the chaos can have lots of negative—and sometimes even devastating—effects on your well-being…as well as the well-being of your loved ones.

You know what it feels like—pick your favorite metaphor:

  • A VW pulled up under the Big Top and unloaded 192 uncooperative clowns into my brain!
  • The crew of my ship have all mutinied and locked me up in the brig!
  • The gremlins have managed to shut down all services and have taken over the control room!
  • The inmates have revolted, demolished the security system, and are now running the asylum!

So how does this happen? Why do we all have our own version of one of these chaotic metaphors? Mainly, it’s because we haven’t been taught how to tame the rogue elephant brain. We didn’t learn this—in school or anywhere else—because our parents didn’t learn if from their parents…whose parents didn’t know either! But, guess what? It’s not all that difficult to regain control of all the crazy thoughts in your head and the confused emotions in your heart.

It’s just a question of learning a new skill.

Are you ready to try?

If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired; if you are ready to take control of your life, once and for all; well, then this episode of Life Mastery TV might just be the one that will help you change everything. For good and forever!

Check out this week’s webinar recording, and please remember to leave a comment below.

LMTV #48: The Power of Awareness

Are you aware that you are the Awareness that is aware of everything?

This is not a trite question! On the contrary, it is a very deep question, and you might find it a little confusing at first. But just read that one more time:

Are you aware that you are the Awareness that is aware of everything?

The very fact that someone can conceive of such a question—and that YOU can contemplate it—speaks volumes about the nature of Human Beings. We are very special creatures…far, far greater and expansive than we can ever imagine. And Awareness—what some might call Supreme Consciousness—is present within and available to every single one of us.

As children, we tend to be pretty literal in our interpretations of things, and so we come to believe that everything has a specific meaning. And by the time we have learned to think and reason more abstractly, many of our beliefs have become so fixed in our minds that we have a hard time staying open to new points of view. We find ourselves agreeing with the meanings that we have accepted—or, more accurately, created—and our awareness becomes myopically focused on the objects of our attention. The narrower and more specific our meanings become, the more the world appears to be small and empty of possibility and opportunity. And thus we begin to experience more fear.

How do you become aware of this? What brings your attention to this issue in the first place? Ultimately, the answer lies in recognizing your own dissatisfaction with your life. When you begin to realize that your life is not shaping up as you dreamed it would, then it is quite natural to begin asking questions. And questions really are the first step in awareness, because each question you ask leads to an answer that, in turn, leads to another question.

The truth is: you ARE the Awareness that is aware of Everything! If you don’t believe that, it is only because of the meanings you have chosen to accept and agree with up to now. The moment you take a single metaphorical step back and begin truly to observe your life, you will recognize and welcome the surprising truth about who you REALLY are!

This week David & Tommy are joined by special guest Laina Orlando, a widely recognized expert in the field of what she calls The Power of Awareness. Laina is going to share her expertise with you and help you to understand this subject more deeply.

Do you want to:

  • Free yourself to experience life from your natural child-like sense of wonder and curiosity?
  • Expand your capacity to forgive?
  • Increase your compassion for all of humanity?
  • Give yourself permission to be big, bold and limitless?

If you said “Yes” to any of these questions, then check out the video and leave a comment below!

Remember, awareness is a critical, key, essential part of our inner expansion and growth; a mandatory requirement for our transformation; a must-have of human evolution.

Awareness precedes Shift. Don’t miss it!

LMTV #47: Illuminating the Shadow

What Parts of Yourself do You Hide…And at What Cost?

Consider the following scenarios and see if you can relate to any of them:

  • Have you ever done something in your life, and then later felt foolish, ashamed or mortified about having done it?
  • Have you ever declared in defense of something you’ve done, “Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time?”
  • Have you ever had the experience of doing something that you later declared was “accidental”, “unintentional”, “out of character”, “a total surprise”, or “not like you at all”? And when you looked back on the consequences of whatever it was you did, did you also perhaps cringe at the outcome you had created?

When stuff like this happens in our lives, it’s almost like there’s an invisible force—a dark force—that seems to take over. It’s as if we are no longer in control of our own thoughts, words, and actions—almost like we’re possessed in some way—and it can be a very disconcerting and disorienting experience. What’s worse, when this happens, it may seem like we’re stuck in the interaction, as if we have to ride it out and wait for it to play itself out.

Well, friends, say hello to your “Shadow”!

We all have shadows—parts of ourselves that we try to keep from public view because we believe that they are inappropriate, unacceptable, wrong, or just plain bad. Usually this is because at some point in our very early lives we heard admonishing or shaming words from other people—people that we looked up to, like parents, teachers, religious leaders, politicians, and so on. And because we all seem to have an innate desire to please those important people in our lives, we transform those admonishing words into internal messages that we have to change or repair those parts of ourselves we think are “broken”. But we soon discover that it’s very difficult to change, so we try instead to hide them—to push them into the background where we believe they can no longer be seen. The underlying shame that drives our effort to hide these aspects of ourselves is so deeply ingrained and so powerful that we generally aren’t even aware that we’re going to so much effort to keep them from being seen. Metaphorically, it’s kind of like going through life with a paper bag over your head!

Ironically, while it may seem like you’re doing the world a favor by keeping those “inappropriate” parts of yourself hidden in the background, in truth the only person who really believes they are hidden is you! Believe it or not, these “shadow parts” are often quite visible to other people—especially people who know you well!

In this episode, David & Tommy talk about the idea of “Shadow” in some detail. You’ll learn:

  • what shadow is and where it comes from;
  • how your shadow can run—and sometimes ruin—your life;
  • some ways that you can recognize and identify your own shadow;
  • some things you can do to re-purpose the power of your shadow so it serves you rather than tripping you up.

Please enjoy the video—and as always, please remember to leave a comment!