LMTV #63: Take the Bite out of Fear
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When fear raises its head, do you flee, fight, or freeze? What if you could stop fear in its tracks? How would your life be different? Find out this week!
LMTV #62: Life is NOT a Race!
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Ever find yourself treating Life as if it is a race to some imaginary goal line? What does it cost to be rushing everywhere? Learn to slow down & enjoy!
LMTV #61: Pushing Buttons
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Most of us get some perverse pleasure when we push someone’s buttons and get a reaction—but what does it actually get us in the long run?
LMTV #60: Compare and Despair
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If you tend to compare yourself to others and judge yourself as coming up short, you’ll want to tune in and get some guidance in overcoming that bad habit!
LMTV #59: Reclaim Your Mojo
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When tragedy strikes, it’s easy to lose hope and motivation. Guest Barbara Musser helps you to transform your broken heart into a portal back to your mojo.
LMTV #58: Communicating from the Heart
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Guest presenter Christian Pedersen shares his wisdom about communication in relationship, and helps us move out of our heads and into our hearts.
LMTV #57: It’s All Good
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No matter how much we might want to control things, we can’t change what is. But practicing acceptance can help us realize & experience that it’s all good.
LMTV #56: T’aint(ed) Love
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When love has conditions and restrictions on it, neediness and clinginess are sure to follow. This episode seeks to clean up the mess called “tainted love”.
LMTV #55: The Happiness Myth
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Happiness is part of our natural state, something we access easily when we are very young. So where does it go, and why do we feel the need to pursue it?
LMTV #54: Trying Hard to Let Go
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We all recognize the gift of being present and in the flow of life. But sometimes our ego-mind has other plans! Let’s talk about a solution to this paradox.