LMTV #13: The Magic in the Mystery
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No matter how much planning you do, you never really know what’s going to happen. In this episode, we showed up with no agenda, no script, no plan.
LMTV #12: Free to Be ME!
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On this Independence Day, we decided to look at freedom from a different perspective–free to be ourselves–fully, authentically, and unconditionally.
LMTV #11: Expectation is the Mother of Frustration
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Expectation is very different from anticipation, and attachment to desired outcomes can lead to disappointment. Learn how to release attachments.
LMTV #10: A Friend Indeed
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Friendships enrich us in ways that we cannot even imagine. What kind of friend are you? What kind of friend do you want to be?
LMTV #9: A Sound Way to Heal and Grow
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Our guest Sara Jane has a deep passion to create healing through the amazing power of sound energy. Listen in as she shares her wisdom on this subject.
LMTV #8: In is the ONLY Way Out
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Introspection means bringing your focus back into your higher self, because that is the only place where true unconditional love can be found.
LMTV #7: A Look at Spiritual Psychology
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Our guest Kristen Richardson believes “We are here to live consciously, with awareness, purpose and openness.” Spiritual psychology brings this to life.
LMTV #6: Conscious Self-Creation
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What is “Conscious Self-Creation”? Essentially, it is a choice to evolve consciously from a current state into a higher state. Join us and find out more.
LMTV #5: Applying the Law of Attraction
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The Law of Attraction is a powerful but misunderstood principle of manifestation and creation. Guest Bob Doyle helps us clear up some of the misconceptions.
LMTV #4: Approvalitis…The Search for a Cure!
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Approvalitis. Even though you may never have heard that term before, you probably already know what it means, don’t you? Listen in and find out more.