Sharing Your Gifts with a World that Needs You
In this time of so much change, intensity and challenge in the world, it’s critical that we find ways to serve others with our gifts, our passions and our missions.
Being an integral contributor to the evolution of our culture and our planet—shifting it to be more just, sustainable and peaceful—is the path of the Global Messenger. But try as we might, we can’t really do it alone.
As change agents it’s important for each of us to get the support we need to thrive—while we are passionately helping others to thrive. The time has come to grow and empower our community of Global Messengers so that we can collectively be the change we want to see in the world.
This week, David & Tommy are pleased to welcome back an amazing man to the Life Mastery TV stage: Chris Kyle, entrepreneur, teacher, coach, facilitator, and all around great guy. In this episode, Chris and the Soul Talk Guys will be discussing the idea of individual gifts, and how important they are for making our world a better place.
This is not meant to be maudlin or depressing, but think about this for a moment. Suppose something completely unexpected happens to you and you wind up on your death bed contemplating the life you have lived. Will you be pleased with what you have done so far? Can you honestly leave this world knowing you have fully expressed yourself? Is there anything at all within you that you wish you had taken time to cultivate and share?
Don’t move on from this world with an unsung song in your heart, friend! Share it with the world now…before you go.
Please join David & Tommy for another empowering and enlightening discussion that will inspire and entertain.