LMTV #78: Beyond the Comfort Zone
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If you want to live a truly spectacular and fulfilled life, you must move beyond your Comfort Zone into your Risk Zone–where real growth can take place!
LMTV #69: The Heart-Empowered Man
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The day of the “macho man” is long over. The world craves men who live from their heart; this episode shines a light on such men.
LMTV #55: The Happiness Myth
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Happiness is part of our natural state, something we access easily when we are very young. So where does it go, and why do we feel the need to pursue it?
LMTV #45: Affirmation Power!
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No matter where your life is right now, you can always amplify any aspect of it through the power of affirmations.
LMTV #3: Have the Life You Want…ANY Time!
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Having the life you want means taking command. Don’t let life happen to you–turn things around so that YOU HAPPEN TO LIFE instead!