LMTV #63: Take the Bite out of Fear

Fear is one emotion that can really hold us back if we let it. It can even paralyze us. Let’s see if we can change that!

Fight or Flee.

You’ve heard of this, right? It is the typical reaction that is often attributed to one of the most powerful—and usually disempowering—emotions: FEAR.

And there is good reason for this reaction. According to evolutionary theory, fear put us on guard to very real dangers that existed in our world, and in our state of high alert, would give us a chance to assess our current situation and respond accordingly. Fear was necessary for our very survival, and without it we would no doubt have put ourselves into harm’s way—and paid a very high price as a result.

If we look at our world today, however, we can see that the dangers that we faced hundreds or thousands of years ago have more or less disappeared. Of course, new dangers have in some cases taken their place, but, really, our world is a much safer place than it used to be. And yet, our fear instincts are still very strong—and perhaps much stronger than they ought to be. Much of this has to do with the power of our ego-minds, whose job is to keep us safe so that we can navigate our way through the physical world. But it turns out that our ego-minds are so sensitive to danger that they often assume risk where none exists! And this is why many teachers refer to fear as:

False Evidence Appearing Real

Of course, it may seem very real to your ego-mind and your body may indeed feel the full force of the emotion, so the message you may be hearing in your head might be closer to:

F@*# Everything And Run!

The Soul Talk Guys are not here to tell you to ignore your fear. Rather, they just want to help you reduce the power of fear in your life so that you stop being controlled by it. In other words, they want to help you to

Take the Bite out of Fear

As you gain more control over your fear and begin to quiet the voice of your ego-mind, you will automatically begin to notice some changes:

  • You will feel much less stress in your life.
  • You will enjoy what you are doing much more.
  • You will tend to look forward to new things with a sense of excitement and adventure.
  • You will naturally find yourself attracting and gravitating to more and more like-minded people.

What more could you ask, really? If you want any of these things in your life, then check out the video for this week’s episode of Life Mastery TV. And don’t forget to leave your comment in the space below.

LMTV #62: Life is NOT a Race!

We seem to have a tendency to hurry through life, as if we have to get to an imaginary goal line in record time.

As kids, many of us can’t wait to grow up! We see all the adults around us doing things that are supposedly for “adults only”, and being the curious and adventurous types that we are, we naturally want to know why we aren’t allowed to participate in those activities too.

Our intense curiosity leads to a desire to grow up more quickly, and some of us even manage to succeed in doing so-called “adult things” before our hearts, minds, bodies, and souls are ready.

But then what happens?

Well, it seems that we often end up feeling disappointment because we created a sense of anticipation for the amazing experience we would have when we were finally allowed to do what we wanted to do—only to discover that the actual experience fell far short of our hyped-up expectation.

And then, as if that is not enough of a burden to put upon ourselves, we then go into if-only mode:

  • If only I hadn’t grown up so fast;
  • If only I’d given myself time to enjoy my life as it was happening;
  • If only I could go back and try again;
  • If only I <fill-in-the-blank>…

Sound familiar?

Well, no matter how this idea resonates with you, you can stop the process at any time! And that’s what the Soul Talk Guys share in this webinar. You can learn to:

  • Recognize when you are rushing through your life.
  • Slow yourself down enough to notice whether there really is a good reason for hurrying, or if you’re just doing it out of habit, or out of some desire to fulfill an unconscious expectation.
  • Decide on an appropriate course of action based on your discovery.
  • Enjoy the process, no matter how fast or slow you decide to go.

If you want to be able to fully enjoy your life in every moment, then you owe it to yourself to watch the video…and please remember to leave a comment below.

LMTV #61: Pushing Buttons

Do you ever take devilish pleasure in pushing other people’s buttons?

It seems that almost everyone knows what it’s like to have their buttons pushed. It goes something like this:

  • Someone we know says or does something;
  • What they say or do has an impact on us;
  • We have some kind of external reaction;
  • The other person learns that his/her words or action can trigger this reaction, and maybe derives some perverse pleasure from it;
  • He/she waits till just the right moment to re-engage the words or action and hopes to get the same reaction from us.

Does this sound familiar to you? Have you been on the receiving end of this? Have you ever found yourself on the giving of it?

In previous Life Mastery TV episodes, David & Tommy have talked about the receiving side of this equation, and have taught that each of us has choice about how we react to any situation. In this episode, they take another look at the whole idea of “Pushing Buttons”, with a little more focus on the giving side of the interaction, and they raise some challenging questions about what might motivate us to want to push someone else’s buttons in the first place. Questions like these:

  • Why would I want to push someone’s buttons (especially someone close to me)?
  • What do I imagine I’m going to get out of the experience, other than perhaps a little strange pleasure?
  • What kind of relationship am I creating with this person when I engage in button-pushing behaviors?
  • What new strategies can I begin to practice so that I create the kind of relationship or interaction I actually want in my life?

This episode may make you a little uncomfortable, because you’ll be challenged to look at some of your own shadow behaviors. This is not intended to make you wrong in any way—after all, button pushing is almost certainly a pretty universal behavior!

Rather, the Soul Talk Guys just want to raise awareness about this common behavior and have us all look at this together from the perspective of creating happier, more loving relationships in our lives. So, take a risk and watch the video. You’ll be glad you did!

PS. Please remember to leave a comment below!

LMTV #60: Compare and Despair

Do you ever compare yourself to others? And then find yourself coming up short?

Comparisonitis. (noun) The compulsion to compare one’s accomplishments, characteristics, attributes, etc., to those of someone else in order to determine relative ranking or importance.

It’s a pretty common affliction, the kind of thing that almost everyone experiences from time to time.

To be sure, seeing someone else excel at something can certainly be inspiring. It can move something within us that makes us want to excel in some way, too. It can be a great motivational force that stirs our own Heart’s Desire and gets us moving in a direction that may bring us to the next greatest version of who we are meant to be. And what a wonderful feeling that can be!

In this sense, looking outward and making comparisons can actually serve us in a good way. But the problem is, many of us don’t stop there.

Many of us are continually comparing ourselves to others, and what we seem to end up doing is forging a pretty strong belief that we aren’t smart enough, bright enough, healthy enough, successful enough, and on, and on, ad nauseum. Can you relate to this?

Consider the toll it takes on us when we compare ourselves to others. We not only feel separation from the target(s) of our admiration—which can instantly have us feel down and alone—but we also feel a certain heaviness or unworthiness because of our underlying sense of “lack” or “being less than”. And this can dim our inner light even more.

This week the Soul Talk Guys have invited back Shadow Work facilitator and coach Junie Moon Schreiber to help shed some light on this very real problem—and something that she herself has had to deal with as part of her own journey. As Junie challenges us to consider:

If we could see the beauty in each of us, admire and praise others for their gifts and then look to ourselves to see our own unique expression, what might happen then?

Indeed. What might happen then? Well, that’s exactly what Tommy & David intend to find out this week—with Junie's help, of course!

The fact is, it’s hard to see your own special and unique gifts when you are busy comparing yourself to others. And you know what they say, right? “Out of sight, out of mind.” Meaning that, as long as you don’t see your own qualities, you tend to forget that they exist. So it takes some effort to bring your awareness back to yourself and to re-connect to those gifts. So this week’s episode will be a lot about remembering who you really are.

Go ahead, see the beauty in someone else. But then remember that there is great beauty within you, too.

Enjoy the video, and please submit a comment below!

LMTV #59: Reclaim Your Mojo

It is a sad fact that sometimes tragedy strikes and mayhem ensues. Let your broken heart lead you back to your mojo.

Barbara Musser is the kind of person who doesn’t let tragedy get in her way. As the author of Sexy After Cancer—Meeting Your Inner Aphrodite on the Breast Cancer Journey, Barbara knows all too well what it means to be affected by a completely unexpected medical diagnosis. Her own experience opened pathways for her to develop tools for creating and growing acceptance, forgiveness and love while on a cancer journey. And she has graciously agreed to bring some of her loving healing energy to this week’s show.

Is there tragedy in your life? Have you found yourself beset by something that seems too big for you to handle? Do you have challenges that seem insurmountable? Are you struggling to find the strength or the motivation to move through something painful?

Well, friend, no matter what story you might be listening to in your head, you can rest assured you are not alone. Everyone struggles at one time or another, and everyone has pain that may seem very difficult to get through. And the Soul Talk Guys are here to help!

What you may not realize is that the difficulty or the pain you are experiencing in any given moment might very well be the key you are looking for to help you move to the next stage of your life. It’s hard to see that when you are caught up in the details of your situation, but it often seems to be the case that

The solution you are looking for is hidden within the problem!

Barbara has dealt with this kind of thing in her own life, and she has transformed her own process into amazing facilitation and coaching skills that she uses to help other people—people just like YOU!—to come through the depths of their tragedy into the glory of their mojo!

Check out this week’s video, and let guest presenter Barbara Musser show you how to bring some healing into your life.

LMTV #58: Communicating from the Heart

Communication is probably the single most important element of any relationship.

In fact, barring some kind of catastrophe, if you ever have a problem of any kind in any of your relationships, it can almost always be traced back to a difficulty in communication. And more often than not, the difficulty in communication comes about because the ego-mind is attached to being in control or to being right. That’s right! That pesky ego-mind is often the culprit whenever communication goes wrong!

Interestingly, if you can get out of your head and into your heart, you can create an almost immediate improvement in your communication—and consequently, a commensurate improvement in your relationships. Of course, it helps if your relationship partner can get out of his/her head at the same time, but even if only one of the relationship parties can do this in any given moment, it is a very powerful step in the right direction.

In this episode, David & Tommy welcome relationship expert and certified life coach Christian Pedersen to share some of the things he has learned about creating powerful and fulfilling relationships.

Christian and his wife Sonika produce and lead mind-altering trainings like Give Yourself to Love and The Masculine-Feminine Energy Dance that are designed to help people create and experience amazing, life-affirming, mutually supportive relationships. And these relationships are built on a solid foundation of unconditional love and open-hearted communication. You can find out more about Christian's work at his website: LoveWorksForYou.com.

If you want to learn more about unwinding your ego-mind so that you can both speak and listen from your heart, then check out the video! And please remember to leave a comment below.

LMTV #57: It’s All Good

Do you like to have control? When you get control, does it actually change anything?

Do you ever get frustrated when things don’t go your way? Do you ever find yourself getting angry when someone is rude on the road? Is it just possible that you notice all the other “stupid” things that “stupid” people do? And if you do happen to get a little upset, what happens when you hear someone say something like,

Relax. Calm down. Let it go. It is what it is! It's all good.

When you are in the heat of your frustration or anger, there is a pretty good chance you even react to someone else’s attempt to help you calm down, right? But even if you don’t find yourself reacting with statements like:

Really?? Are you kidding me? Don’t you have any idea what I’m going through?

…well, there could be a possibility that this kind of monologue could still be playing out in your head. And if that is true, then you are probably creating a lot of pain and suffering—not only for yourself, but also for the people around you.

Well, guess what, friend? As hard as it might be to believe (especially in your moments of upset), it really is true that

It's all good.

You’ve heard Tommy & David talk about this before, but it bears repeating here. When you consider where you are in your life right now, you have to admit that you’ve made it through some difficulties, challenges, and obstacles during your life. You didn’t always have control, no matter how much you might have wanted it. And yet—as if perhaps by some miracle—you made it where you are today. In fact, all of the circumstances, events, and conditions of your life helped to shape you into the person you are today. Really, now, how bad can that be?

This week, the Soul Talk Guys bring this point home, so check out the video and find out for yourself. And please share this with your friends and remember to leave a comment below!

LMTV #56: T’aint(ed) Love

Have you noticed the kinds of conditions and limits we put on Love?

Collectively, we humans have a lot of different ideas and beliefs about love, and many of them seem to be restrictive and disempowering. We talk about things like

  • “I’m falling in love”;
  • “Love is in the air”;
  • “Love hurts”;
  • “If you really loved me, then…”

We also seem to have this rather odd idea that one way for us to show our love for someone is by telling them how much we “want” them or “need” them! It’s almost as if we elevate our desire for connection into a craving that has the flavor of an addiction. And worse, our culture seems to promote this idea and give us the impression that this is somehow “romantic”.

And yet, what we regularly fail to recognize—or perhaps we recognize it but choose simply to accept it as “normal”—is the degree of neediness and clinginess we carry into our expressions of love toward others.

As you might have already guessed, Tommy & David recognize this as a problem and want to do something about it. While there may be aspects of love in the behaviors and thinking patterns we’re talking about here, for the most part, it really is “tainted love” because it is tightly enmeshed with all kinds of restrictions and conditions.

Tommy & David believe that Real Love can be easily distinguished from “tainted love” by virtue of some key qualities:

  • It is free from all restrictions, conditions and expectations.
  • It is freely available to everyone, and it is freely shared—neither requesting nor requiring anything in return.
  • It encourages, empowers, and supports people to step fully into their authentic power and magnificence.
  • The more of it that is given away, the more of it there is to give.

Isn’t this the kind of love we all really want in our lives? Don’t you want to invite it into your life, too?

In this week’s webinar, David & Tommy investigate the differences between Real Love and “tainted love”, and they provide you with ways to eliminate the “tainted” variety. In the process, you learn more about how to ensure that you are only sharing Real Love with everyone in your life.

Watch the video, and join in the movement to rid the world of “tainted love”!

Oh, yeah, and don't forget to leave a comment below!

LMTV #55: The Happiness Myth

The Pursuit of Happiness is an awful lot like Trying Hard to Let Go…an oxymoron!

As long as you’re trying hard, you’re never really letting go. As long as you’re pursuing, you’re never truly happy. And therein lies the lie in the pursuit of happiness.

The so-called American Dream, in which the pursuit of happiness is promised, sets us up on a never-ending chase. And when we buy into this dream, we enter a race that cannot be won.


Well if we’re caught in the race, the race will keep us trapped by always moving the finish line. Just when we think we’re close, there’ll be another gadget to buy, a newer car to drive, a bigger house to own.

It’s not too much different than tying a carrot to a stick that dangles in front of the jackass’s nose. As long as the jackass is counting on that carrot to give him happiness, he’ll never reach it and be satisfied!

The same is true for you. No matter how hard you pursue, no matter how fast you run, no matter how long you stick with it, as long as you imagine your happiness to be something you need to pursue, it will remain ever elusive.

Similar to blaming everything out there for your troubles, if you’re counting on conditions out there to get better before you become happy, good luck. Actually, you’ll probably need a lot more than good luck to accomplish that impossible feat!

We all know money can’t buy happiness—we’ve heard it a million times. Yet our chatter brain still cunningly convinces us that as soon as we get that raise, as soon as we make more money, as soon as we meet the right person, as soon as our ship comes in…

We’ll be HAPPY!

Sorry, gang, aint gonna happen. At least not that way! You can

  • Keep looking outside for happiness;
  • Keep looking outside for satisfaction;
  • Keep looking outside for love and approval;

…but if you do, you’ll die a poor, sad, lonely person.

Check out the video and raise your chances of dying happy! For REAL!

Oh, yeah, and don't forget to leave a comment below!

LMTV #54: Trying Hard to Let Go

Letting go is supposed to be about relaxing and taking it as it comes, right?

And even though we know life is easier when we’re in the Flow of Allowing, something inside wants to cling tight—and that’s when the inner tug-of-war begins to rage.

Trying hard to let go…
Trying hard to let go…
Trying hard to let go…

It seems like a bit of an oxymoron when you think about it. We recognize our inner desire to move into the flow, to just be with what is and to allow ourselves to fully experience and enjoy our lives. But at the same time—as we imagine ourselves stepping more deeply into the fullness of ourselves—we are tricked by our ever-loving ego-minds into listening to stories about all the dangers in the world, and this leads us to hold ourselves back from what we truly want. When this happens, it may seem like a very real internal struggle, with the good guys competing against the bad guys. This is what it can feel like when we are

Trying Hard to Let Go

Even when your higher self knows the importance of allowing, of trusting, of surrendering control over everything, the ego-mind digs in its heels and fearfully clings to old baggage that clearly no longer serves you. The ego-mind resists change—of course it does!—because this type of change means it’s being rightsized! And it will cleverly trick you into thinking you need to keep all the crap in your closets and under your bed. It says thing like

“Wait!! I’m in this pile of crap somewhere!”

And therein lies the lie.

You are nowhere in the old stuff, the old pains, even the old memories. No matter what your ego-mind might be telling you, the truth is that you are nowhere but right HERE, right NOW.

In this episode, the Soul Talk Guys shed some light on this inner struggle and talk about why our inner “protector” is so afraid of letting go. Check out the video with David & Tommy and begin to

Let Go for Good

Enjoy the replay video, and please leave a comment below!