LMTV #59: Reclaim Your Mojo
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When tragedy strikes, it’s easy to lose hope and motivation. Guest Barbara Musser helps you to transform your broken heart into a portal back to your mojo.
LMTV #56: T’aint(ed) Love
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When love has conditions and restrictions on it, neediness and clinginess are sure to follow. This episode seeks to clean up the mess called “tainted love”.
LMTV #45: Affirmation Power!
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No matter where your life is right now, you can always amplify any aspect of it through the power of affirmations.
LMTV #44: Ceasefire of the Sexes
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Heard about the “Battle of the Sexes”? Well, we believe there really is no battle at all, just an opportunity to see and appreciate each other in peace.
LMTV #32: Liberate Your Love
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We put a lot of value on the notion of “Unconditional Love”, but don’t seem very good at practicing it. Let’s work together to unchain our hearts.