LMTV #113: Movin’ On!

All Things Come to an End—Even Good Things!

The Soul Talk Guys have been bringing you amazing episodes—full of wisdom and learning—since their very first installment on April 18, 2014. It has been a wonderful, magical, and inspirational ride, and Tommy & David are extremely proud of what they have created together and delivered to you.

But we all come to points in our lives where we have to make decisions, and recently Tommy had a personal A-Ha that woke him up to a whole new opportunity in his life—something that he simply cannot ignore. Unfortunately, this new venture means that he won’t have the bandwidth available to continue with Life Mastery TV, so he will be co-hosting his final episode this week.

What does this mean for Life Mastery TV? Well, clearly things are going to be different going forward, and David will be looking for new ways to continue bringing this material to you. But for this week, the focus will be on celebrating one of the co-founders of this amazing team, and to wish him well on his continuing journey.

So, please join Tommy & David for the final episode of Life Mastery TV in its current form. Join the program to find out what to expect from Tommy and to wish him well in his new venture.

LMTV #110: Intentional Transformation

Are You Ready to Go Beyond Form?

Our lives are transformed not through becoming divine, but through the realization that ALL of our experiences have served the purpose of awakening us to our divine nature.

These are the words of Hu Dalconzo, Master Coach and founder of the Holistic Learning Center, and author of the book Self-Mastery: A Journey Home to Yourself. David & Tommy are both pleased and excited to have Hu joining them as a guest in this episode.

If you have been watching the Life Mastery TV shows with any regularity, then you already have a good idea what to expect, because you are already on a path of personal growth and transformation. But this episode, the Soul Talk Guys want to really deepen your experience and help you to move toward what they are calling

Intentional Transformation!

That’s right! This conversation is designed to intensifyHu Dalconzo your Spiritual Transformation in a way that leads you to create your own reality, rather than being created by your reality. That is a big leap of awareness for some people, but the truth is, many of us in the world really have no idea how powerful we are because we’ve forgotten the truth of our nature. And consequently, we live our lives from a place of limitation and restriction—borne of the thoughts, ideas, beliefs and identities of our ego-mind.

And to help shed some light on this phenomenon—and better yet, to help you rise above it—David & Tommy invited Hu Dalconzo to share some of his amazing wisdom and brilliance with you.

You have had many experiences, and you will have many more before you leave this plane, and they are all brought to you (by you!) to help you fulfill your purpose and to evolve to the next perfect version of whoever you are supposed to be. But what you may not realize is that you have a choice: you can either let things happen as if by chance, or you can tap into the Truth of who you really are, and begin to move more intentionally along your path. You can choose to evolve intentionally, and all it takes is a decision to be present to who you really are and make all your choices consciously. Sounds relatively easy, doesn’t it?

Well, friend, it may not be quite that simple, which is why Hu Dalconzo helps us all to understand how to make the process as easy as it can be. Check out the video—you’ll be glad you did! And please…leave a comment below!