LMTV #113: Movin’ On!

All Things Come to an End—Even Good Things!

The Soul Talk Guys have been bringing you amazing episodes—full of wisdom and learning—since their very first installment on April 18, 2014. It has been a wonderful, magical, and inspirational ride, and Tommy & David are extremely proud of what they have created together and delivered to you.

But we all come to points in our lives where we have to make decisions, and recently Tommy had a personal A-Ha that woke him up to a whole new opportunity in his life—something that he simply cannot ignore. Unfortunately, this new venture means that he won’t have the bandwidth available to continue with Life Mastery TV, so he will be co-hosting his final episode this week.

What does this mean for Life Mastery TV? Well, clearly things are going to be different going forward, and David will be looking for new ways to continue bringing this material to you. But for this week, the focus will be on celebrating one of the co-founders of this amazing team, and to wish him well on his continuing journey.

So, please join David & Tommy for the final episode of Life Mastery TV in its current form. Join the program to find out what to expect from Tommy and to wish him well in his new venture.

LMTV #107: The Global Messenger

Sharing Your Gifts with a World that Needs You

In this time of so much change, intensity and challenge in the world, it’s critical that we find ways to serve others with our gifts, our passions and our missions.

Being an integral contributor to the evolution of our culture and our planet—shifting it to be more just, sustainable and peaceful—is the path of the Global Messenger. But try as we might, we can’t really do it alone.

As change agents it’s important for each of us to get the support we need to thrive—while we are passionately helping others to thrive. The time has come to grow and empower our community of Global Messengers so that we can collectively be the change we want to see in the world.

This week, Tommy & David are pleased to welcome back an amazing man toChris Kyle the Life Mastery TV stage: Chris Kyle, entrepreneur, teacher, coach, facilitator, and all around great guy. In this episode, Chris and the Soul Talk Guys will be discussing the idea of individual gifts, and how important they are for making our world a better place.

This is not meant to be maudlin or depressing, but think about this for a moment. Suppose something completely unexpected happens to you and you wind up on your death bed contemplating the life you have lived. Will you be pleased with what you have done so far? Can you honestly leave this world knowing you have fully expressed yourself? Is there anything at all within you that you wish you had taken time to cultivate and share?

Don’t move on from this world with an unsung song in your heart, friend! Share it with the world now…before you go.

Please join David & Tommy for another empowering and enlightening discussion that will inspire and entertain.

LMTV #69: The Heart-Empowered Man

Hard. Unemotional. Tough. Rational. Stoic. Rugged. Macho.

These are the kinds of attributes that were long associated with men, and which seemed to be demanded by society. To some extent, the world may have for a number of years actually needed men with these kinds of qualities. To some extent, these qualities may have actually served a beneficial purpose. But looking at the world today, it’s hard to imagine what possible purpose they serve now.

Tommy & David believe that the era of the macho man has come to an end. Welcome to the era of

The Heart-Empowered Man!

What exactly is a heart-empowered man anyway? To some of the members of the old guard, it might seem that such men are weak or feeble-minded or fearful or any of a host of other diminutives, but the Soul Talk Guys believe differently, and they’ve invited three very powerful, purposeful, self-reliant—and fully heart-empowered—men to bring their brand of compassionate authenticity to this week’s show.

Come join this episode and meet:

  • Chris Kyle—a prominent leader and teacher in the ManKind Project, as well as a dynamic coach and founder of the Ascendant Company.
  • Jewel Love—a dedicated Marriage and Family Therapist, counselor and teacher who focuses on promoting and supporting responsible fatherhood.
  • Kevin McLeod—a brilliant writer, poet and hip-hop artist who blends his wisdom and enlightened teaching with his art in some amazing ways.

If you are curious about what it means to be a real man, then you won’t want to miss this show! Tommy is away on vacation for this episode, but David is present to host these men and moderate a discussion in which you learn several keys to being a responsible, magnificent man:

  • Knowing who you really are.
  • Uncovering and living your purpose.
  • Acknowledging, understanding and empowering the archetypal energies that are always available to you.
  • Keeping a clear focus on your vision for the kind of world you want to create—for yourself AND for your loved ones.

And ladies, a special invitation to you: Invite the men in your life to watch this video with you! You won’t regret it.

LMTV #52: Anniversary Celebration

No matter what journey you are on, it’s a good idea occasionally to pause long enough to acknowledge and appreciate how far you’ve come.

Way back on April 18, 2014, David & Tommy had this crazy idea to do a bunch of webinars designed to help people live better lives. They decided to call their program "Life Mastery TV". Since then, Tommy & David have completed…(drum roll please)

51 Episodes!

Well, today’s episode marks the completion of a whole year of amazing webinars, so David & Tommy decided that a celebration was called for! For their celebration Tommy & David invited a whole bunch of their favorite people to join them in a special 1-hour episode that turned out to be a boisterous and entertaining look back over the past year.

If you take a look back 52 weeks, what accomplishments and achievements and self-wonders can YOU acknowledge? What did YOU release; what did YOU surrender to in order to get where you are today? What lessons have YOU learned that you can apply in the next 52 weeks?

Tommy & David invited the following amazing messengers to consider these questions and more during this week’s celebration webinar:

If you have watched any of the webinars during the past year, then you may have met one or more of these people, and you already know the kinds of brilliance and wisdom that they bring to the world. Well, just imagine having them all present during one powerful, entertaining and illuminating broadcast!

Enjoy the replay video, and please leave a comment below!

LMTV #15: Eliminating Blocks to Your Purpose

Most Spiritual or Metaphysical philosophies teach that “everyone has a Life Purpose“. Often, however, we experience blockages to our Life Purpose—including the most serious blockage of not even being aware of a purpose!

This week, we have invited a special guest, Chris Kyle, to participate in a deep discussion about purpose—with specific focus on how to remove some of those blockages.

As the creator and host of The Power of Purpose Online Summit, which drew 5000 participants from 85 countries around the world, Chris is definitely a world class expert on the subject of Life Purpose, and the perfect addition to this week’s webinar.

Enjoy the video, and remember to leave a comment at the bottom of this page. Also, when you get a chance, please visit Chris’s website at The Ascendant Company.