LMTV #104: Two Years of Life Mastery TV

It’s Time to Celebrate…Again!

That’s right, friends! Believe it or not, Tommy & David have been delivering you amazing, powerful, insightful, and inspirational webinars every week for 103 consecutive episodes. And this week—episode 104—represents the last episode of another fabulous year. So the Soul Talk Guys are celebrating! And they want to celebrate with YOU!

Of course, it wouldn’t be much of a celebration without special guests, so David & Tommy have invited past guests to rejoin them for this week’s activities. People like these:

  • Sara Jane, the “sound spirit healer”;
  • Tara-jenelle Walsch, author and entrepreneur;
  • Staci & Tom Welch-Bartley, expert relationship coaches;
  • Mahalia Michael, the “brain bliss” expert;
  • Junie Moon Schreiber, transformational shadow work coach.

While the Soul Talk Guys love to laugh and have fun and celebrate, they also like to make sure to bring lots of value to the table as well, so you still get some great tips and suggestions for improving your life. So, please watch this week’s video! Make some time for yourself to join some great people for a wonderful celebration!


LMTV #92: Brain Bliss

Brain Bliss…Sounds Delicious, Doesn’t It? And Guess What? No Drugs Involved!

In one of their many travels, the Soul Talk Guys were fortunate enough to meet a very powerful and intuitive shamanic teacher by the name of Mahalia Michael, who introduced them to the idea of using light sound energy to optimize body, heart and brain functions. Interacting with this energy often leaves people in a state of euphoria, and so Mahalia decided to call her process

Brain Bliss!

Lucky for everyone, Mahalia agreed to join David & Tommy for this week’s episode to share some of her wisdom and teachings with you.

Imagine going through 20 years of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Now add to that a debilitating condition that resulted from hidden trauma, among the worst of which were seven undiagnosed and untreated head injuries. No doubt, you can only begin to guess what kind of impact that might have on your life.

Well, friends, it actually happened to Mahalia, and she spent years looking for something—anything—that would ease her pain. After trying many different modalities, with varying degrees of success, Mahalia eventually discovered a kind of Spiritual Cocktail that finally seemed to do the trick for her.

Mahalia's solution involved a kind of alchemy that combined—as she puts it—”clairaudience, sounding, medical intuition, and remote seeing abilities”. And she was able to use these combined techniques to rehabilitate her own brain and body.

There’s no question that Mahalia's techniques can help people suffering from the debilitating effects of trauma. But you don’t have to be in pain in order to benefit from Mahalia's teaching!

So, if you’d like to get a little taste of

Brain Bliss…

then check out the video for this episode and remember to leave a comment in the space below!